bella bachelor

Women only watch tv between 11am-12pm, when their children are napping. Extensive survey and observational research has shown that all other times women are cooking and do not have access to a tv (open-concept homes are changing this of course, thanks to HGTV’s strategic programming). Men are just a more lucrative

They have all the shows your mom likes. I’m unhappy there’s no Nancy Drew right now, but happy that Nancy Drew will never touch butts with NCIS: Cities and Large Suburbs, Big Bang Theory, and something called Elementary, which I’ve never heard of but looks like it would piss me off.

Eh I know I need to drink more water when I wake up from my nap and my entire body is covered in pillow/sheet imprints. So I think you should nap more and then you’ll know.

I dunno, sign me up. If I had more than three people independently triple checking my accounts and managing every mundane aspect of investing and paying bills, I’d be over the moon. The only point to being wealthy is automating all that boring shit. Also I love my dad and would happily pay him a six figure salary to

Seriously I’d make a horcrux with/in that dress.

Bless his heart, I’m sure he was nervous. Maybe there’s a local Toastmasters group he can join for more practice.

I remembered her favorite gift simply because I would be fucking livid if someone planted an olive tree in my yard as a surprise.

Genuinely surprised the tabloids obsess over the two wives of Brad Pitt. There’s nothing major going on to draw either of them to the tabloid spotlight this frequently. Starting to believe someone does generate this stuff to remain relevant...

Clicker training method, I’m sure.

That is why women wear pearls.

So she went back and exchanged the new ring for the old one.

I don’t think the ring set cost that much. I suspect $21,000 is Kay’s estimated value, highly inflated to justify charging their exorbitant insurance plan. It’s a nice ring, but I’d be surprised if the couple spent even $10,000 on the set.

Haha that was my immediate thought! All of their expressions are so empty, and George has been perfectly posed and completely still for a full 5 minutes, and Kate is frozen, watching them, feeling the walls close in... “I’ve made a huge mistake.”

$140,000 seems like a pretty substantial sum of money for renovations?

I think it’s more specific than that? Per CNN’S article, Big Coat brought in Eric Emerita as contractor, but the homeowners argue he was an actor and not an actual licensed contractor. That seems like a pretty big deal, if true.

Even in the video when Bee is like, first day in office what do you want implemented? “Universal healthcare.” Ok dude. Have you met my friend Obama?

Yeah pretty much! Sometimes I consider posting my support for Hillary, but a facebook debate is the worst debate. It also seems like I’m fb friends with a lot of people best described as, I dunno, millenial new age? They’re very vocal about Bernie and post a lot of articles that also aren’t grounded in reality (one

Haha okay so I know Trump is terrible and Sanders is not, but in terms of actual policy proposals? They both appeal to their respective voters (extreme conservatives vs. relatively ‘extreme’ liberals) with goals that aren’t grounded in reality. See, it’s simple ;)

I don’t know how that’s possible, if your facebook feed is anything like mine. Bernie article after Bernie article after Bernie article. And I’ve read them, and then looked for better articles. I was on the fence about Bernie *until* I read his nonsense. I too appreciate that he brings a very liberal voice to