bella bachelor

Off-topic, but I miss that show. Chloe taught me so much about life.

Um actually no shade on your journalism skills* but the most important takeaway is this picture/ad from the linked twitter. NSFW? I don’t know!

Actually that’s Spencer Pratt :/

Why do you dislike Megan Fox? I secretly hope it is Will Arnett. Imagine the co-parenting meetings with Amy (in this fantasy Will and Megan are married). (actually just imagine Megan Fox and GOB and Leslie Knope trying to co-parent.)

I don’t think talking about it once and then hiding it for the next 20 years counts as telling, no matter how she spins it.

There are a lot of great greys! I’m under the impression no one gets ungreyed now. I guess that's not true?

Really this should be a footnote every time Madonna’s name comes up.

In some places it can be so difficult to find a doctor - and without a primary dr, you can’t see specialists (who get your dr’s referral and call you, you can’t find them). The wait times can be really bad too. It’s not a perfect system by any means, and it varies by province.

*gloriously American

I graciously disrespect your opinion ;)

But Judge Judy is a gift from God that I will literally always cherish, and Top Chef is the inevitable and depressing result of execs thinking, “Hey our cooking shows are really popular, and people like reality tv...why not both?” and then me never seeing Giada say mohzahrelllllla ever again. So are we sure that’s the

Decide now which one you can’t picture going on without—whether for better or worse—and which one is a flash in the pan.

But I like ordering in more?? Sleeping with my coworkers is a hard pass, Karl.

I don’t think I understand this situation fully, but whatever full steam ahead. You have nothing to apologize for, you literally did nothing wrong. Dude needs to apologize to you for entering without knocking. The fact that he wasn’t embarrassed (“Oh sorry I didn’t realize this was a bad time!”), and that he didn’t

Bizarrely, what solidified me changing my name, but keeping my surname was Have you ever tried to search for your ancestors before? It’s 1000x easier when the women take husband’s surname but also legally keep their maiden name, or even pass their maiden name onto their children. Bella Bachelor becomes

I mean they should give her $5m just for accelerating her tenure clock. That’s just pure evil.

I’ll check her cv, that sounds really weird! I’ve never heard of a school keeping a tenure track position for that long without any type of review. The tenure clock delay was a weird request just bc she knows no ones going to grant tenure (no one’s going to publish her either). Even “official” pauses in tenure clock

I’m probably not going to tell you anything you don’t already know (academia is like a cult), but browsing job postings was the best baby step I took towards leaving. We’re qualified for A LOT, and there isn’t any “hey you obviously love it enough to work for less, right?” bullshit. And at least with corporations you