bella bachelor

She is never getting tenure now, effectively ending her academic career either way - which to academics is some life or death shit. It’s a big deal for her to file this lawsuit.

It’s to identify who’s who for feedings :/

Yeah but even when she’s touching herself to Romney she’s thinking of McCain.

Trying to shop for maxi dresses in 2014 was just the worst. I dress shopped at the last minute with my husband for his sister’s destination summer wedding - to this day, anytime I bring up cute clothes or going shopping, he’s like “I’m sure it’s pants” and walks away.

Dang I didn’t need more reasons to like Kim!

The tan one, on left. Kamilla somehow hasn’t figured out that her hd makeup photographs white, giving her the shiny, rather sickly glow. It’s surprising - I assume pictures are her job, and I swear we ran a PSA about this already...

It’s a lot less obvious bc those women are masters at selfies that minimize flaws/discrepancies. At first I thought RightK was Kim due to face shape, but Kim is on the left; everything about LeftK is subtly nicer. In pictures of Kamilla by herself, the differences are obvious. The skill level disparity between their

I have nothing to add except my support. This makes no sense, and I think it’s primarily cancer vs face cream’s fault. I think in traditional march madness you pick faves, or presumed popular opinion? On the first thread everyone was confused and it was never resolved and it’s super irresponsible - the sex positions

Omg yes. If there’s anything I’ve learned about the Kardashians it’s that those sisters are charmingly cutthroat with each other.

Actually Gov Deal kind of just does what he wants...he used to be Dem, and currently hovers somewhere between rational moderate and right-wing nut. He’s a Southern Baptist good ol’ boy, so even when he’s making more ‘liberal’ decisions he’s doing it in ways that don’t piss off conservative voters. He told lawmakers he

No one I know actually changed their social beliefs! Many of them are still pretty socially liberal, but fiscally conservative - and they’re willing to accept batshit conservative social beliefs because the economy stinks and everyone is old and scared of being old and poor and dying. The Republicans and Fox News have

I honestly would be very surprised if people like your mom (and mine) didn’t side with Trump. Fox News’ bread and butter has always been crusading against the ‘liberal media bias.’ Their viewers were indoctrinated to have a very healthy distrust of all media, except of Fox (ensuring viewer loyalty, and allowing them

I’m sure he was really good at it too, judging by how gently he rested his snacks on the counter.

Admittedly, Heigl was my first celebrity crush after I saw Wish Upon a Star. It seems like it wouldn’t be that difficult to pretend like you’re into it. Especially if it’s your job, Alexis.

To be fair, Katherine looks like she’s ready for bed and Alex won’t stop talking and hand hovering. Stop making jokes and turn off the light, Alexis. It’s on your side.

You’re spot on about Bledel. I found Rory to be totally insufferable by the end, and it seems Bledel kept with that trajectory. Then she married a man who could pass as her fraternal twin brother and that was it. Her spirit animal is a polo shirt.

Haha Alexis Bledel won’t even touch Heigl, that hand is just floating there. I looked at some other stills and it looks like Alexis is flat-out repulsed by Heigl, but Heigl tried her best to sell it anyway. I mean, this kiss...? Thank you for bringing this movie to my attention, I am so excited to hate watch it.

No no no, nope. 16?