bella bachelor

Because our mainstream moderate Democrats are the future new conservative party? I’m genuinely asking. Will that leave more room for an actually-liberal Democrat party, or will the Democrats be fiscal conservatives in disguise for a few more cycles? Again, genuinely curious. Politics are so weird right now, and I

And nothing even happened on the tape, except that the nanny was fired. I was expecting the nanny to be like, “Yeah let’s fuck on the dining table, I just wiped it down.” At least I know Marlow with an E likes crackers...

RIGHT?! Was she Susan’s goblin child, made to live by herself in a condemned closet? Only once she made it as a child actor was she allowed to share in Susan’s wealth? I don’t get this bullshit.

I’m not convinced he’s ever been to a grocery store with a grocery list, prepared to squeeze produce and push around a shopping cart for half an hour. He’s trying to save face with his much smarter and independent girlfriend.

I respect your decision to be on Team Rob, but I have to ask why. If it’s general Kardashian resentment, then shouldn’t you hate Rob more? He’s the worst.

Someone just get me out of the grays for like 5 minutes (5! minutes!) because I have SO much to say about these two, and HGTV Canada. They never should’ve made it to another season...LOOK AT THEIR STUPID HOUSE (youtube link; sample, “That sword is one of my favorite pieces.”). HGTV Canada generally has better shows

That’s super fucked up and inappropriate...but did they have to write it as a tip? Pretending “tip” is anything but $ will always be shitty. $0 tip and a PS message is a classier revenge, as far as receipt revenge goes.

Well I can’t control the future!

But what about telling her to pretend like she’s a corpse mid-congress? (Just read Jenny Trout’s Grey recap).

Eh, I dunno.

That’s the problem ;)

Oh absolutely. Damon is the most consistent and honest character in Vampire Diaries. Stefan is a whiny, manipulative baby with extensive control and trust issues. His only redeeming quality is Paul Wesley. Everyone acts like both Stefan and Elena are legitimate saints, but those two are just the worst, totally

If Ian Somerhalder doesn’t stop trying to play a 20 year old vampire on tv he’s going to be his own off-brand and that’s a verifiable fact.

I saw a woman drinking out of a jelly jar on the subway and I got SO excited! It’s absolute genius because just screw the cap right back on and it’s a glass water bottle that people pay $20+ for!

I know, I feel like a doofus for taking so long to make the connection on my own. I’m from the south, I’ve seen Pinterest - it shouldn’t have been such a lightbulb moment for me! Alas, I am so tired of mason jar decor that I was blind. Now I know, and along with my vacuum sealer which airtight seals the jars (for my

Are you on tri-cyclen or another birth control that varies the hormones each week? Otherwise, maybe start a new pack after 3 weeks instead of 4 (effectively skipping your period). If someone already mentioned that then ignore me! :)

Actual-Ghost Guest Editor is a series I would absolutely read and click the ads.

Real talk. I don’t have any cups, but I felt like a total fucking genius when I realized I could drink out of my canning jars. Then...I realized I’m actually an idiot. A poor idiot.

That was amazing gymnastics and an amazing performance. She really improved the floor routine, and the crowd’s enthusiasm was so great.

I’m sorry but no, Rob’s tweet is gross and reeks of that entitlement he’s constantly displayed throughout this whole Kardashian shebang. Kris asked him to get a job, so he designed a ridiculous sock line. And they supported him! A sock line. Not even a full suit. And he could barely handle the actual work involved.