bella bachelor

Knowing what I know about Airbnb, there’s no way it wasn’t just a cave lit by a flashlight. Gwyn’s just saving face, but we all get swindled. See also:… (I can’t mobile kinja, big surprise and sorry).


Please, you don’t work for a Birkin.

If there’s a heaven I kind of hope it’s reserved exclusively for cows. Humans are shitty to a lot of animals, but cows really bear the brunt of our excess.

Probably open up my own curated lifestyle store, but for witches. Cobweb-covered mason jars, how-tos on wearing black velvet all year round, $500 parasols, articles about the virtues of camdlelight and binding your own books, and cat-training guides. We’ll see.

Dude, the kit-kats.

I don’t think it is ethically wrong for the woman to keep a baby she carried for 9 months. I agree with Appiah - the most generous thing to do is give the baby to its biological parents. While the child will eventually want a connection with its biological parents, the woman is no less capable of raising a normal,

Oohhhkay you caught me. I watched Miley’s Silent Night, and then skipped to the part where Clooney pops out from behind the trees. Bill Murray’s depressed asshole character is lifeless, and the special was mostly either boring or grating.

Wtf Khloe, if you’re going to lie at least put effort into it. Hire someone to bake the pies in your kitchen. You can take credit for them easy and literally no one would know because the chef’s body is buried out back.

Yes, it is not good. The last part (like 40 mins in) with Clooney and a fantastic Miley Cyrus is the only thing worth watching. It’s completely different from the rest of the special.

I don’t believe Farrah for one minute and I feel kind of terrible about it.

I think it’s more along the lines of, “Yeah, but it’s my job.”

20+ years ago in early elementary school, I had to do the same thing. It was an art project completed slowly over multiple weeks, with many lessons on how to draw specific things (it was where I learned that if you’re drawing trees, you have to use like 6 different greens or it’ll look stupid, and if you draw a cat,

Her ceremony space would make Kim and Kanye get a boner.

That’s amazing, it’s like a purse for your silverware! Thanks!

You absolutely should, those look fancy as hell! I think even the most mundane tv dinners deserve fancy goblets. Life is too short. You don’t want to be on your death bed and be like, “Hey I only drank out of the nice crystal goblets like twice, this is bullshit.”

Family came home one day to find that I had on impulse donated our daily dinnerware and replaced all of it with my grandmother’s royal albert bone china. I later visited my mom and discovered she had done the same thing with my grandparents’s wedding china and silver. The only drawback is she has to polish the silver

Yeah that’s what JK Rowling said, but the murder of a pure white owl symbolizing Harry losing his childlike innocence is just a little too heavy handed.

I understand, I just think all of that is accomplished without Hedwig’s death. She didn’t have to deliver mail anymore. She could’ve been allowed to live her life in peace as a majestic owl. Needlessly cruel indeed.