bella bachelor

I agree, but only because I always skip the whole Hedwig chapter. It just tears me up. I don’t even know why Harry kept her in a cage. Her emotions and intuition and intelligence were uncannily human. She could’ve met him at the Weasley’s! I’ll never get over this.

Omg I had no idea about the botox eyebrow lift, but I want it. This totally explains how Kylie Jenner has such great eyebrows all of a sudden.

“ All the other little girls wore braids to school, saving curls for special occasions...”

I printed out this picture and taped it to my fridge. It added some levity to the morning asshole cat routine. Plus, my printer always thinks it’s starving too, and beeps about it incessantly. So I was like “Printer, I need you to use your last remaining bit of ink to print out this very important document. Just

RIGHT?!!!! What the actual fuck.

There’s a lot of hate for big sunglasses aka “equalizers” - they obscure enough of the face that both 4s and 10s looks like 7s.

Yeah there’s a whole whiny conspiracy that women wear sunglasses to prevent men from accurately applying the 1-10 “hot or not” scale. The sun is an illusion.

[Chrissy Teigen walks to her car]

Turkey bacon is to bacon as fruit leather is to fruit roll-ups. Relatively disappointing, but overall pretty okay.

Maybe it depends on the state, but I thought the residency “clock” (live in state for 12 months) essentially stopped while you attended the university (even if you have state license, address, etc.). So a sophomore may be a resident of that state, but they still won’t qualify for in-state tuition (unless they leave

I nominate Nik Severson for the Dorothy Everton Smythe Woman of the Year award.

I thought The Duff was really cute. Amazon reviews steered me from reading the book though.

Twin Sister and Puckish Ginger Younger Brother sound like way more interesting characters and stories. I’ll take one fanfic of them, please. Platonic friendship funneled into drunkenly stealing Queen Eleanor’s six Munchkin cats.

Oh my god she thinks they’ll make her an exception.

Unless it has menthol in it.

If it was discovered that, say, members of the chess club - while spiritedly playing chess at their chess club meeting - also discussed the superiority of the white race and the benefits of the Aryan Brotherhood, the group would in fact be disbanded. Fraternities are purported to exist for networking and charity

Let the record show that everyone agrees frats are a waste of valuable real estate.

Ashley Madison happened.

I was crazy-insane attracted to my husband on the pill. Like, his scent was so intoxicating that my 2nd favorite pass-time was just smelling him. When I went off the pill, that basically stopped. He still smells really good, but it’s not some aphrodisiac like before. I’m still very attracted to him, but not in that