If only he’d make the leap and realize that the guy he’s supporting is a colossal fuckup
If only he’d make the leap and realize that the guy he’s supporting is a colossal fuckup
Trump doesn’t even have his own gut in check, let alone the country of Turkey. Everything you wrote here is wrong.
Fucking brutal
Damn, this is the smartest thing you’ve ever said.
It’s almost like Deadspin has been hugely successful now for a decade as a cultural site for primarily left-leaning people who like sports, rather than Another ESPN: The Blag
Trade war with China makes the money sad
This joke is made more depressing by its most literal interpretation - that Donald Trump will still be Dictator President when those unborn kids are of voting age.
Considering that
That's some real USSRname - comment synergy
Now I feel like a
Coming out about fucking Tim McCarver is a weird flex
It’s....a case by case basis thing, but yeah, Liz Warren is not the one.
That’s exactly how it’s being framed by the actual arguers, but more specifically, not just that it’s sex discrimination. Specifically they’re leaning on the SCOTUS precedent of the Price Waterhouse decision from 1989 - that discrimination for a sex stereotype is discrimination based on sex. The Supreme Court ruled…
It is established case law that “sex” includes gender stereotypes. So if a man is wearing makeup and gender-fluid clothes to work, and management fires him, that is sex discrimination. But if they justify the firing by saying they fired him because he is gay
This is the apex of anti-progressivism: let’s drag people for making progress.
Sure, except for all of the apartheid against Palestinians and the decades-long occupation of their land and systemic extermination of their people. Other than that, there’s no apartheid at all!
So it is! Even the 538 poll hit 49.5% today, which is a staggeringly high number considering the polarization of the Republican electorate.
Honestly that might be the -least- awful argument in support of Israeli apartheid policy that I’ve ever heard