Holy fuck I never realized how much of a rerun D&D plot their whole thing is, except they’re ROOTING for the all-powerful being to wipe out mankind and actively shoving the Crystals of the Forbidden Gate into the villain’s hands
Holy fuck I never realized how much of a rerun D&D plot their whole thing is, except they’re ROOTING for the all-powerful being to wipe out mankind and actively shoving the Crystals of the Forbidden Gate into the villain’s hands
“Does...Does Stephen A. Smith think”
Not sure what the NBA has to do with this
Switch Lives Matter
Just send them this Google link, and point out that such a small-scale webdev update would be paid off if they charged 1 penny more for every pizza for like...a week
At least Washington has the basic decency to suck just the correct amount that we can forget they exist for long periods of time, never historically terrible (winning 4-8 games per year) but never actually good so you have to consider them in the national consciousness as they perpetually finish 3rd or 4th in their…
Tomato did you know you have an impersonator now
I mean, this argument makes no sense. Mike Pence would rubber stamp the same packets of judges just like Trump does.
Domino’s pizza is already ADA-compliant for customers who were born with no taste!
“Okay, make your Phone Gap-based Android app work with keyboard. Even though, you know, Phone Gap doesn’t natively support keyboard control of the app.”
Except they already have all thst infrastructure in place. They just need a dev team to make the existing interface ADA compliant.
“The human interface layer is typically a function of the OS so the suit should be against Microsoft, Apple, and Google for failing to provide the necessary APIs”
“I would hate the Washington Redskins if they were named the Uncle Sam Super Patriots”
They finally
Got rid of the god damn racist-ass Wahoo logo
Stick a tomato in your mouth
Oh yeah sorry, I did get the reference, I was just joking about what Trump’s fourth point of contact would be, because it sure as fuck isn’t “the ass” for a sedentary bag of fried chicken grease who used a fake bone spur to dodge the draft.
“when I stick my head firmly up my fourth point of contact”
Naw, nothing specific, it just gets tiresome as a Bernie supporter to see lecturing about how Bernie supporters need to be nice when there’s no lecturing towards centrists and liberals who seem to have the God-given mission to literally never stop bitching us out until they successfully drive every last potential…
PV ain’t come to play SCHOOL, children