500 Days of Kitten Calamari

My index finger does that, I’m index-flipping your ass off right now

I can’t see it, it’s either not in the frame of the reporter’s shot or it’s just incredibly tiny

<link to almost every fucking Splinter article that mentions Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, or oftentimes neither>

In what world are liberals benefited by calling potentially suck-it-up-and-vote Sanders supporters BernieBros and relitigating how he lost the race for Hillary (he DEFINITELY didn’t) 3 years after the fact?

I agree that this hurts Sanders’ chances, but this:

Yep. 100% this. Which is why him being terrified of being impeached and thrown in prison is super useful.

I'd rather he get hit with a rogue TOW missile

Zzzzzzzzz pls stop the "he lied" narrative

Trump is a piddlefuck coward. I think he’d resign in a heartbeat if he was afraid of going to prison and someone offered him prosecution immunity.

Impeachment against Nixon NEVER reached 60% approval, including when the tapes dropped. At the time of his resignation it was at 57%. It might have risen further, to be sure, but it wasn’t even at 60% yet when Nixon caved to the party demands to gtfo.

Correlation is not causation, and in this case, the correlation is not causation.

Except it doesn’t, because the company still needs those trained employees. You....can’t obviate that problem.

You can’t just let the secret of how to be both Freaky Fresh AND Freaky Fast get into the wrong hands.

You can’t just let the secret of how to be both Freaky Fresh AND Freaky Fast get into the wrong hands.

They can actually blame their economic problems on us for, like, as long as they want so long as we continue to damage their economy with sanctions. Iran is not resource-rich, oil and a handful of other things making up their valuation; that same guerrilla-friendly country is bad for agriculture, etc.

I missed Bernie’s birthday! I guess I’ll have to get him a campaign donation, a Get Well card, and primary vote for a belated gift.

What if - and bear with me now - instead we ate both the restaurant owner AND Darren Rovell?

If I was a 77 year old who just had a heart surgery I’d sure as hell be drinking

I feel like a network television group is going to win the next bid, but I have no idea when that’s going to be. With the cord-cutting exodus, I highly doubt any cable channel is going to pursue a renewal of the contract.

2019 is fucking weird