500 Days of Kitten Calamari

Baracka, you’re being a parody of yourself again.

Dawg you need to calm down, Dave got rightly roasted for that but you’re hitting Stalky Ex Looking For a Booty Call levels right here

You’re...being ironic, right? She had the most votes out of all candidates in both parties’ primaries and the general election, by a wide margin.

PUMAs. Also:

Yeah, putting what used to be THE weekly football matchup on fucking cable was a hilarious screw-up by the NFL.

The Browns on national primetime three times in four weeks - that’s what America wants.

Just post the direct URL to it - Giphy now has an annoying tendency to redirect you to the gif’s “page” instead of the actual GIF itself. From there you can use their tool to copy the actual GIF hyperlink or right-click on the GIF and Open Image in New Tab, or Copy Image Address, to get the URL itself.

AB came to the Raiders, gone due to extreme crazy

Have YOU ever seen Gardner Mineshaw and a porn star in the same room?

You’d think it would be anatomically impossible to eat your own tail while showing your whole entire ass, but Rudy manages it with impressive skill and aplomb. Makes it look easy, really.

Underrated comment.

the one sane person left in the administration

Romo was so much better than Kirk Cousins it's barely worth discussing them in the same sentence.

That’s some pretty broad dick energy right there

Hope Boomer would’ve covered Romo as a broadcaster better than he covered the spread as a QB

you have no quid pro quo on the call,

Ah, but you don’t have to regulate everything, just regulate and influence other things so that people are incentivized to do business with us.

100% chance he sends them

I mean, Trump might be able to win his election.