500 Days of Kitten Calamari

I too have no fun in life

Wonders being "dead" tiles that often act as force multipliers on other tiles is interesting in concept, but the district/wonder tile management is extremely kludgy in practice.

One thing Civ 6 suffers from is horrendous optimization and balance

Statement of fact answer to a question bub

Rear engine < mid engine

This is the most accurate description of Dodge I have ever read

Save for when the ball joints and transmissions blow out at 60k miles in an orgy of wanton destruction

That, and/or they sell a lot more Chargers and Durangos than the other three.

This is a weird comment

“Dodge has five,”

Wait that was a joke and not just a plain statement of fact?

ALERT ALERT ACHTUNG ALERT come on by and drop the learning on the raft of Kinja expatriates floating through the sea of interwebz

You continue to be wrong.

[Citation needed]

I’m with Bernie but I’m not going to talk about issues re: his entry here. I have some nits but I think Michael is pretty fair to Bernie about the blackness of his policy, which is comparatively race-blind. (Bernie does support the same legislation to study reparations as Pete Buttigieg so the statement that he

None of what you just wrote is right. It's well-crafted specious corporate speak.

Literally nothing you just said contains any persuasive evidence for your claim, and the link you cite is a crock of shit. His evidence, for example, that Bernie’s M4A analysis is flawed, is a link to a fucking tweet where an economist, sight unseen, claims it’s flawed with no evidence. I guess the many other studies

I cannot get over that she literally has The Karen Haircut