500 Days of Kitten Calamari


watched her best friend Serena Williams compete in the U.S. Open

Whoa calm down there Casanova

YouTube? You sure you were on the right site?

They should really get themselves trimmed up nicely like Florida

I know you’re an engineering major but one of those is not a word and, no, adding words together is not how you engineer better words. That’s how you get German or Nordic tongues and, as a bona fide child of a Nordic immigrant, I can tell you that nobody wants that.

Amazing how that weak motherfucking sauce only works on other equally shitty Republicans

🍅 cease 🍅

It’s gotten deeply fucking creepy in Tomatoland

To be fair 20 mph in reverse is pretty fucking fast.

But she didn't.....actually do any of that. Unless she's subscribing to "I am defined by my enemies" philosophy, which, fair?

That’s kinda Andrew Yang but kinda not. Useful as a single-issue primary contender (UBI) hammering Democrats to the right and removing the stigma of social/communal policy by, like, talking about how it would be good in easy-to-understand terms.

RBG’s on-again, off-again flame, Drake, would be very upset about that

That would be a perfect way to destroy it (see history of all nationalized assets ever)

How many jails is Bill Cosby not in?

The difference between her deciding to get blackout drunk, and Brock Turner deciding to rape her, is that one of these things is both legal and a broadly socially acceptable if unwise behavior, and the other one is rape.

While there are many valid criticisms of Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange is a piece of shit, you’re way off with your vitriol here. What Manning did - even if she did it stupidly - risked her life to act to expose the United States military committing war crimes and bald-face lying to its own populace about it.

If one had said ‘turns off some leftists by and large’, I’d agree, despite the clear evidence that every “communist” government has exercised its’ power against intellectuals at some point or another.

Except that you literally made this a discussion about communism in response to a discussion that had literally nothing to do with communism, but rather a discussion of anti-intellectualism among ‘the left’ as a whole. You claimed that the problem is communist intellectuals who ‘apologize’ for communism. I’d suggest