500 Days of Kitten Calamari

Except Snowden didn’t leak to Wikileaks. He leaked to Glenn Greenwalk and Laura Poitras. Which I’m not saying that, like, that’s necessarily good or the best choices or that he didn’t make mistakes? But if you’re going to lambaste someone about how they’re a terrible criminal and how stupid Anderson is for lionizing

Then again, if we do nominate Joe Biden, we’ll have no chance of reaching these voters!

That’s been in the news lately.

It went right over everyone's heads because David Brooks wrote it and they were all "Hm, checks out."

For a minute I horrifically thought this was going to be watching a trainload of nuclear waste plowing into a bus full of cute babies and otters - which is to say, David Brooks throwing his hat into the Bretbug beef.

but cannot possible account for the failure of communism and its’ inherent anti-”intellectualism”

This is what I was kind of expecting: everyone replying to this question uses the word “fringes”; it’s generally disconnected loose groups of ideologically-similar individuals brought together by their conspiracy theories, rather than any sort of coherent political group where left-anti-intellectualism is a core part

but I’ve encountered more than my share of leftists who are virulently anti-intellectual

This is good as hell


2. Chernobyl 2: Everyone Glows Blue-galoo

That’s because if you open that back door you release Ubuntu, the Great Old One who will consume the Earth.

Right, because Clancy wrote him as a smart analytical CIA intel spook type. He even at one point during his character arc has erectile dysfunction and can’t satisfy his wife(!!!) because of the stresses and insecurity of the shit he’s wrapped up in with his work.

along with some leftist parties that fit into the “radical anti-establishment” mold who think expertise is a conspiracy to silence their genius.

why tho

Because you guys haven't gotten rid of Tomato's verified account(s) he uses to star his burners.

He really just ruins trolling for everyone else

I don't know who is saying the former of those sentiments but they're wrong. They're always wrong. You can feel free to tell them they're wrong.

This is a deeply silly and irrational statement.

This is a lie and literally nothing is louder than an enraged infant except for nukes which as I understand it are made from the rapid compression of large numbers of enraged infants