500 Days of Kitten Calamari

That’s not actually true. A number of federal democracies tried to emulate our system, it’s just that they generally failed relatively rapidly.

I asked this same thing yesterday, and basically everyone from Britain said that the Tories would probably regain their majority, which is WHY Boris Johnson wants an election called.

I’m not sure that I would go that far-keep in mind that a lot of TERFs are also lesbians, and that many believe in “political lesbianism”, i.e. being a lesbian as a way to keep men out of their life.

Well that fucking blows. At least you could come to America, where we welcome immigrants and academi-

“and you know it”

It’s the thing where she could become President and also has a vagina

Would that set a record for the shortest tenured PM of all time? Or has Britain previously suffered through one even more incompetent than Boris Johnson?

Ouch. Sadly, every Leave scenario is pretty much a giant clusterfuck for Britain, so I guess the only scenario to save the day is to still Brexit which doesn’t really save anything.

I guess I’m not really boned up on Corbyn. I know he’s been somewhat on the Leave side personally but still seems to be anti-Brexit? What’s his deal and why does he want to be out?

Yeah but what if - and stay with me now - instead of that people decided to not be morons?

100% agree. As a dude who owns a probably unreasonable amount of guns, I absolutely feel that it should require effort and responsibility and oversight to be a firearm owner.

BRB drinking

TBF I don’t think most gun owners really take the 2nd Amendment humping all that seriously.

It’d be dope if he made like his generation and shut the fuck up tho

As a man I’m pretty much all for this, it’s really not any of my fucking say-so


So they’re Democrats

Yeah but it’s Parliament. People scream and showboat and grandstand all the time. The dude getting up and destroying the fucking government’s majority by sitting down in a different chair was a frigging pin-drop moment. Imagine if John McCain had actually been possessed of some moral rectitude and had gotten up and

and by also threatening to pursue an election to prevent him from having to seek such an extension

“11:23 AM" dang