I mean, that's not a TERRIBLE plan
I mean, that's not a TERRIBLE plan
I 100% agree with everything you just said. My original comment’s thrust is that whether or not this guy is a genuine sufferer of severe PTSD, he needs to be locked up. Whether it’s an illness or not, once you get to the ‘assaulting pre-adolescent children’ stage of mental illness, you’re not safe to be around other…
Is that Elvish?
According to the cited article, he had 20 convictions
Your logic doesn’t make any sense. Someone snapping and attacking a child doesn’t make it less likely that they have PTSD, which is capable of causing violent hallucinations. Like...I’m not trying to advocate for this dude, he needs to be locked up for what he did, either for his own good or for others’. But him…
Why go to a mall if it might trigger you?
Sorry, deleted for too much lying and propaganda. You need to keep your shilling at or under a seven, homie. Never go full capitalist shill.
Shhh, that doesn’t fit into the White Power narrative that person seems deeply invested in
I mean, except for all of the billions of people living in capitalist enterprises who literally can not and will not ever be able to afford to just up and “move out of capitalism” on a lark because the capitalist enterprise doesn’t actually provide for the majority of people subjected to its system, sure.
God for a second I hoped she was tired of the old bag full of meatsweat, but she’s ACTUALLY just a gigantic piece of shit.
Tomato, why do you even try anymore when you immediately get called on upon making a post no matter how many new burners you make? Serious question
The correct ‘B’ word in this context is ‘Buttholes’
I mean you’re right, that’s...that’s what it actually is. Workers produce wealth and ownership reaps the benefits.
Don’t get me wrong, I understand PTSD and shit is super fucked up, if this dude’s a legitimate PTSD sufferer. You literally hallucinate and shit. I saw a vet in a wheelchair - dude was in his 20s, MAYBE early 30s - punch a nurse at the E.R. a couple months ago from freaking out from her trying to take his blood…