500 Days of Kitten Calamari

Yeah that makes him look exactly the same amount of bad. There’s no excuse for cold-cocking a twelve year old child a third of your size unless they’re coming at you with a fucking lightsaber.

White people can be some territorial muthafuckas, over shit they don’t even own at that.

Agreed. The only Johnny-Come-Lately progressive act I trust is Elizabeth Warren, because while she wasn’t there yet (and arguably still isn’t, for some) she was pushing leftward well before Bernie made it popular in 2016.

That'd be one hell of a plot twist if renowned Deadspin commenter 50ShadesofJimGray was actually Bret Stephens

I...really don’t think that’s true. I was seriously worried a few months ago, but Biden’s brain appears to be deteriorating on the campaign trail faster than pads of butter on a fresh bowl of mashed potatoes. Like...he’s having senioritis gaffes that are flat-out racist statements.

...that’s a pretty swank spot tho not gonna lie, I looked it up

Stop being wrong

Not sure what coffee has to do with this! Back to you, Dave, for the weather!

I’ll vote for him

It actually kind of is propaganda, because the vast majority of the polling is massively over-represented among the age groups that Joe Biden appeals to. Like, even though those age groups do tend to vote more, the level of their over-representation in the polling dwarfs their over-representation in the voting

Why would they list a guy whose brain is rapidly turning to overcooked yams?

Who isn’t Tomatoface?

We are all Tomatoface

a hundred ‘cunt’s a day. Every day. For your whole life.”

I’m pretty pissed that you got a personal stalker troll first but I tip my hat in defeat

“Conservatives need to pick one”

There’s a lot of relevant stuff talking about engineering/contract stuff, like climate change and energy policy from a feasibility/procedural perspective, for example!

To be fair to Bret you'd be mad too if your parents couldn't be assed to write your whole name out on your birth certificate.

How dare you have a vagina online!