500 Days of Kitten Calamari

Yep, I got ya. Just noting that there were a number of other cases launched against GMG over the last decade, mostly funded by Thiel’s revenge litigation money.

I mean, Biden ain’t gonna be the nominee, so he doesn’t count.

Actually they’re a lot better than 1-1. Remember, Peter Thiel revenge-financed...I think dozens?...of lawsuits, mostly frivolous, asking for fat-ass sums of money from GMG.

Or, put more succinctly, “if it’s not undemocratic, why did the candidate that got the majority of the votes lose twice in the last 5 elections?”

Why do you hate fun and America

You shut the fuck up I'm RIGHT HERE Ugh

Starred for Karate Kid

Por que no los dos?

Just wait until it gets into the saucy Twi’lek x Jean-Luc Picard watersports erotica featuring the timeless catchphrase “Make it so, Number One”

What could have colored their view so much?

It’s not undemocratic.

If you vote Democrat you’re a coastal elite.

To be fair, at least they were honest about one thing in this ad: they were honest about Republicans’ feelings.

Let’s just say our civilizational greatness is yeeting on out of here

Yeah, I mean, it really is worth debating, because this shit happens all the fucking time. Look, I’m not saying Clinton raped his intern. But there’s a disingenuous to suggest that someone can’t be unwilling but coerced or afraid of the consequences of not capitulating to an authority figure, an authority figure who

It’s a superpower, really. They don’t understand how much power they give us over them

loose canon club

This is sort of true-untrue. Young voters come out in bigger quantities when they feel appealed to and when they’re angry. Older voters tend to vote whether or not they feel appealed to, so politicians fight over the olds because they’re going to show up, instead of trying to lock up the young voters and keep

Fuck me, we now have to rely on children who say “yeet”