500 Days of Kitten Calamari


There’s a thing to be discussed about how ‘willing’ someone is when they’re your subordinate trying to start a career in your field and you’re one of the most politically powerful people in said field, or even the most powerful individual person in the world.

No baller would stoop to that level

Look, I’m not the one who’s arguing that the electricity generation method that helps give children leukemia and shit is safer and more desirable than windmills, homie. But oh, they must have already covered that in the ONE statistic from ONE 2007 paper you keep clinging to, because as we know, every victim of public

Crusty Santa :(

LOL fuck this was good as fuck and also poignant

I was a little fucking neckless sociopath who thought petty vandalism was funny

That said, I’m sorry the data wasn’t what you were looking for. It’s valid data regardless even if it’s not presented in a way you like.

I’m white and an adult, so since I’m saying it now, I guarantee ‘slaps’ is something the kids were saying a while ago

Not even gonna lie to you, this Christmas suit absolutely fuckin’ slaps

If it’s safer in third-world countries then it’s safer here, too

A second source, who confirmed Clinton asked the female DJ to turn down the volume, said she wittily won him over by playing Fleetwood Mac’s “Don’t Stop.” The song was Clinton’s theme for his winning 1992 campaign.

Right? I don’t even have one of my own and after visiting my mom and sister (they live next door to each other) for four days on vacation and dealing with my sister’s 5 and 2 year olds, I needed another vacation. It’s a good damn battle just to get food into their food holes twice a day.

Then read [more pro-nuclear articles without any rigorous science, none of which address any of the myriad knock-on damage caused by nuclear power beyond just ‘mortality’]

No matter how much you doth protest it doesn’t invalidate the data. My apologies if it doesn’t meet your stringent standards for data collection or study proposal.

How is it a lie?

All of the things about how nuclear is the safest form of power, which is a fucking lie, and how we can just cook off our nuclear waste using MSRs, which literally do not exist because we’re just now building prototypes to determine if they’re feasible.

Focusing only on mortality rate per TwH is a cherry-picked fucking statistic when talking about how safe nuclear power is, and you fucking know it. Cut this disingenuous bullshit out. And, btw, this is coming from someone who ostensibly agrees with you about us needing nuclear power to make a truly radical Green New

The most fucking idiotic thing about this is the power requirement to re-ice the fucking arctic would raise temperatures so that the ice would just melt faster.

David, can you please stop posting misleading links that don’t say what you claim they do? Do you work in fucking marketing for the nuclear industry?