500 Days of Kitten Calamari

while also claiming to know exactly how whole swaths of people think

Which is why it’s so poignant that climate change is even more important than that.

Gawd I always forget you’re stuck there. Condolences. (I’m sure there’s many fine people on many sides)

She knew

On balance, this is probably one of the least stupid ideas Trump has come up with as President. But for economies of scale, there is good science behind the idea of precisely-targeted airbustt bombs being able to disrupt storm cells. There are reasons why nuclear bombs would be very stupid to use here - for example,

His only attractive feature is that a certain segment of the Democratic electorate sees him as the “safe” option who’s “most electable.”

Literally every Democratic candidate polls way out in front of Trump in a general election.

He’s kind of lucky he bailed out well before the Republican machine started to take him seriously as a threat.

MJF is just owning you “brilliantly” like our dear leader does the economy.

Because the only serious alternatives are Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, and that scares the fuck out of ‘people who claim to be moderates’ to an even bigger degree than having another cringey sundowning President. He would even be less terrible than the current cringey sundowning President!

Don't accuse Boris Johnson of looking normal

I mean the same argument deconstructs it all and IMO it’s actually a more cut and dry argument for trans people.

I mean, no, the same argument shuts down the trans angle. Their status as trans is because their biological birth sex does not align with their gender identity and they represent as such. Their biological sex is intrinsicay tied up into it just the same as someone whose sexual preference is that of their same biologica

It's fine. Old gal's made of unobtanium.

Your grandpa is a regional hero at the bare minimum

LOL dismissing all your replies from the terrible troll people who point out that Berniebros live rent-free in your head to a concerning level.

The no headline thing wasn’t a big deal when part of the headline was a normal hyperlink - still kinda weird but not annoying. Now it’s annoying.

I mean you should at least write the guy a letter telling him just how much time you spend thinking about him. It’s pretty flattering, really.