500 Days of Kitten Calamari

Not unless Armond White is Tomatoface

That’s true, the correct number would be 2019. It’s a tired-ass bad take from 2019. You still have national talking heads vomiting up this nonsense.

Pick any of them, really, including this one: 

I was like 1/3 of the way through this article when I was like “my god, DRA is going to make this about Bernie Sanders”

Right, so:

Username-comment synergy is on point

Holy shit this is good

2016 called and wants its silly take back

1. Shut the fuck up, Tomato

You’re a liar and an asshole.

This is the stupidest fucking false equivalence.

Judeo-Christian God you're dumb

No. It's time to go Full Efficiency Standard.

You’re right. We need a central bureaucracy to do the things that the States can’t or won’t do themselves.

Except there are zero reasons to ease the regulations and lots of reasons to keep them in place.

Doing Spaghetti’s work here.

How does that fence lodged up your butt taste, my dude?

That's...not what the Second Amendment does

Of course they are! Car companies want to sell you cars. How do they do that in a market loaded with cars? Make better more desirable cars! The Obama-era regulations make it so all the companies need to invest in innovation which reduces risk for companies that wanted to but may have been having budgetary wars over
