Nah, it's about maximizing oil profiteering. Full stop.
Nah, it's about maximizing oil profiteering. Full stop.
Nah, Trump doesn't simplify shit. He just wrecks it, and the people between the left and right coasts are the ones who suffer the most.
This is infinitely more logical than blaming it on Berniebros. If I could be fucked to boot up my work laptop put in four passwords and log into the VPN I’d star you from my burner that only my work laptop has the password to in addition to this account
The problem is that ‘good cops’ often circle the wagon for very, very bad cops. They participate in defending the corruption and don't put a stop to the crime....which is their job.
The gish gallop is strong with those who fear the truth.
Unfortunately, what Orwell didn’t correctly anticipate is that you could persuade people to hate something so much that they’d forcefeed themselves propaganda against it.
Tbf, this was delivered as a fucking POP-UP in their WORK app. A lot probably consented by clicking right through without paying attention. It was targeted for minimum engagement and maximum sleaze.
Wow. Their statement of ‘consent’ in that “update” could not have been vaguer bullshit. Awesome of Postmates to harass its employees with vaguely worded pop-ups and then pretend in a national paper that they said some shit they DEFINITELY didn’t say
Well I kinda do
I mean, what else would you call your lies accusing Muslims of wanting to DESTROY ISRAEL?
Sorry, you don’t get to spread Islamophobic propaganda in your replies to me!
I mean, you’re wrong. Israel’s initial reasoning for banning her and Omar was their support for BDS. Tlaib initially caved to their censorship in order to see her family, but then decided against it.
You’re wrong. Maybe stick to Blue Jays takes where you don’t sound like such a complete fucking moron, man.
went off like a nut case
Oh god I forgot you’re a Blue Jays fan
He and Max Contrarian are just so unimpeachably earnest and smug about being so, so fucking wrong all the time.
At this point in my life, I just chuckle with bemusement that you love to bitch about condescending Berniebros and yet are routinely turn into one of the most caustic wanks on this site when someone casually disagrees with you. I would suggest that it’s an incredible lack of self-awareness, but like, Trump fans exist…
“I’m not going to pretend those numbers don’t exist just because I don’t like him”