Fuck off troll
Fuck off troll
I mean they should get mad at both, but is Trump's thumb INSIDE her dress? Yikes indeed
Agreed. Most Americans now understand that it’s generally stupid to punch down against a whole weaker nation in response to terrorism, and it just creates more problems than it could ever hope to solve. An excellent observation.
Actually all of the things they’re advertising sound pretty nice. You think Greenland would take American immigrants looking to get out of this shithole country?
This is the greatest comment you’ve ever made
Starring comments is not the same thing as agreeing with them
I’d generally agree, but there are some commenters around here who are just here to flame. I guess on balance Publius isn’t one of those, but man, if we need someone around here to come in and post something regressive using Ben Shapiro-grade ‘intellect’, Publius has got our backs.
Not gonna lie, tho, Publius’s hot takes are generally a pile of shit.
Holy shit, you are so spectacularly wrong, as always.
If Trump got assassinated at this point I’d just shrug. Darwin at work.
The pic up top is prescient. I feel like Andrew Yang’s rap alias would be Fresh Lemona
It's deeply fucked up how much worse Saudi Arabia is than Iran, and that we are so deeply in bed with Saudi Arabia.
I mean, if you’re giving free public university, you’re creating single-payer oversight of those institutions, which necessarily means cost management. Also, a big part of the point of free public university is it forces private universities to change their tune, as well - when they have to compete against free…
Thanks for the insight!
They 100% could travel to North Korea. North Korea desperately wants to be seen as a legitimate actor, and state visits from U.S. federal politicians is great eye candy towards that end.
Nah it’s delicious. It maximizes the benefit by distributing the means of flavor production to all of the taste buds.
So you’re saying a living wage federal minimum wage, a jobs guarantee, comprehensive guaranteed healthcare without crushing debt, and free public university tuition are all things that can help with both the problems of poor families and getting an education.