500 Days of Kitten Calamari

Fairly sure if you star a post to ungrey it and then retract your star, it stays ungreyed.

It’s not that his accounts are perma-bolded, it’s that he has ‘earned’ some permanent bold account(s) to use to ungrey himself.

Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooootta women too

and its by no means “fuck you” money

My fucking god, it talks to itself now

There’s a higher chance that Tomato is you than any of the writers here, darling.

not even a well armed paramilitary force that has terrorized the city of Los Angeles for almost a decade

What was the Sex Boat like?


Secretary of media. Just make it up. I just want him to have Sarah Sanders’ job under a Warren administration.

I don’t actually agree with the latter half of this.

Right? The Democrats could actively attempt to get Trump to economically ruin the lives of millions of people worldwide. Or alternatively - and hear me out here - they could do literally anything else instead of that.

Now playing

This is like the terrible, ironic-as-shit version of

Yeah, I should probably stop reading this shit before any more of my brain manages to schlupp out onto the fucking floor.

This is such an incredible shitshow I’ve spent more time on Twitter today than the last 3 years in total. It’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

On the upside this did prompt Jon Eiseman to drop this 24 carat gem:

Please learn to read before calling other people dumbasses, friend.

Ohhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyy fuccccccccckiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnng gooooooooooooooooooood

What’s amazing is all of the Twitter chuds now claiming he’s making tons of bank because all the Barstool employees are TOTALLY in on it

I mean, yeah, that dude can get fucked with a sawhorse.