Out, but with a W - has found the answer

In other news, grass is green.

Captained-out avant la lettre.

Good to hear, thanks. Any idea how long it takes before it activates?

Seriously though, is it me, or is this

Those poor owners, so brutally screwed.

That’s an appt pun.

Ah, of course, Torch-like.

For someone wanting to evade ejaculation euphemisms, your racetrack is strangely phallic.

They missed the opportunity to put the Stars and Stripes on there.

Well, there have been new Michelin PSS available since 2013 to help take care of that problem.

Reminds me of a depressing thing I did today: looking for Carrera GTs for sale around Europe, and noticing that less than 10% of the results had more than 20k km on them.

It should be the simplest rule: leave the most unprotected one the most space! It’s as applicable here as when it comes to car vs. motorcycle. If the guy on the bicycle wants to enjoy his descent after spending a long time pedaling uphill, let him. If a motorcyclist wants to enjoin the agility of his bike on a curvy

Nothing wrong with my reading comprehension, thanks. I’ll break it down:

Full autonomy, with Tesla claiming its righteous place in society and replacing the Mustang as the apex car predator.

If there were a competition where those things are allowed, sure. Speedrunning is about decomposing a game and finding the fastest way through it; the methods used and the granularity of the decomposition are governed by the rules of the specific class of speedrunning.

So what you’re saying is that the problem of distracted pedestrians venturing out on the street to catch a Pokémon and getting run over is (partially) alleviated by cars driving extremely slowly? Sounds like a stroke of genius on Nintendo/Niantic’s side.

Team Rocket, evidently.