Out, but with a W - has found the answer

I’ve only spent 6 (instead of the standard 5) years in uni, but I see where you’re coming from. ;)

I determine my interest in a car based on how much trouble I think I can get into with it.

Sunbeam Tiger.

2 months for me. Good luck!

Haha, thanks! You’re not missing anything.

I love PCG’s EVE Online coverage. It’s not something I’d ever play, but it’s absolutely engrossing to follow the big stories through their articles.

That was 2008; Flo Rida and T-Pain were getting low, Katy Perry had just kissed a girl.

Weeee, jumps!

Horrible embedded player indeed. No direct link to Facebook either while live. And it’s not like they can’t do it, since the post-live video has all those buttons and more.

Brabus did the best smarts.

You probably have the volume of FB videos turned down by default. You can go to Jalopnik’s FB page and the volume control should show up.

At least they didn’t replace it with a real camel.

I like the gallery at the end, new Kinja feature? Also, I’m absolutely in love with that China Blue. *drool*

French-themed breakfast to celebrate the start of the race

So they’re turning them into BMWs?

The Up! GT(I) is the new mid-engined Corvette, no matter how much I wish it weren’t so. Ever since VW released the GT Concept, rumours of its impending arrival show up yearly, only to be disproved time and again.

Looks like he forgot the m when converting tonnes to tons, from the BBC report: “More than 28m tonnes of rock was excavated [...]”

So criminals will provide a fake ID and keep getting away, while law-abiding citizens have to give up privacy and potentially undergo censorship? Sound like a fair deal.

The Saubers just bankrupted their team by doing the same thing.