
Please, tell us about your system of justice where there’s no correlation between the size of the crime and the size of the punishment. And the social contracts between citizens and law enforcement. And how first-degree murder is defined.

Don’t elect nazi Republicans. Come November, obliterate those monsters at the polls.

Fuck, this is terrible. Insane talent, prolific, in the groove and on the rise... We have been cheated. Thank you for everything thus far.

I love this film.

My vote for most handsome actor working today.  God I love Pedro.

Sweet bloody christ it’s MAY! How was this not already a thing in April?

You’re absolutely correct. We’re headed towards a collapse and people need to be ready for the worst. White Americans have been organizing “Y’all-Qada“ for 40 or so years in preparation to take down the US government and usurp them, Handmaid’s Tale style. And polite America has been ignoring it and downplaying it the

What we have here is a whole lotta people that have heard No too little. Oh, I’m sure they think they’ve heard no, but they just haven’t had to live with the nos that they have been told.

Dealing with all of the precautions -- which may or may not even do any good -- is completely exhausting.


People are being told to clean more often and more thoroughly than before. The other reason is hoarding.  Folks are worried that if they dont stock up now, the items wont be available later due to hoarders (which in turn they are doing themselves) 

While I don’t know her personally, everything I can see indicates that Meghan would be a catch for any man alive, royal or not.

I feel like most of these cows are just the ugly stepsisters whose big-ass feet didn’t fit the slipper, and now will forever hate on Meghan, the Cinderella who the Prince fell in love with.

Lawd, the hate for her is so intense, pointed (stiletto (knife) blade sharp), way over the top. I feel for her. She’s both smart, and beautiful - so my interpretation of the Brit media is that they’re racist as FUCK. 

16% of the comments below (so far) mention a thing I have never even contemplated: people put dirty fucking diapers in the seat-back pocket?? I never want to leave home again.

Once again, bring back Joshua Jackson, you cowards.

NBC needs to sell the Chidi calendar.

An A? Just an A? If there was ever a time to pull out the A+, this was it. This will go down as one of the best series finales ever.

There is no answer. But Jason is the answer.

I’ll assume your reasons go beyond “Was a dick to Tom Hanks one time,” but that in and of itself is a decent reason.