
Random Writer: Shouldn’t we put the armor on the armored bears? It looks kind of wrong.

“Anyone care to enlighten non-book readers?” Sure: read the book.

Well, it’s a little fruitless to judge a series you haven’t read by viewing part of an adaptation. Where this story goes is so unexpected and wild that summarizing it would not do it justice. The first book just dips its toe into the larger story. It blows open and expands to many other realms and locations.

You super called it, but fuck, man, the way this episode was put together was so shitty and clunky. We literally cut away from Lyra’s story to watch Boreal come through the portal again, and that’s it. It was so ridiculously stupid and unnecessary.

The blurb up top makes it clear what happened. “The AV Club” is a collection of individuals. Some of them thought the film was pretty good, but enough of them really hated it that it made the list. And now the comment section is going to be dominated by 20-something white guys crying about it.

Look, I hear good things about Zero Effect, but I have a rule: if Bill Pullman isn’t playing a tortured jazz saxophonist who’s arrested for his wife’s murder and then transforms into Balthazar Getty in his prison cell, I don’t want to see it. At all.

I love the scene where about five different people, including Lucy and Jack, end up objecting to Lucy’s wedding.

Sandra really needed to bring her weapons-grade adorable to bear in order for this movie to work. “Pretending to be a coma patient’s fiance” is a solid premise for a thriller, and this movie needs all of her charm to keep Lucy from seeming incredibly creepy.

Thank you. Hearing that comment definitely earns an “OK Boomer” or “Says the Guy” from me.

As long as you actually ARE saving some amount of money that you decide is appropriate for emergencies and for retirement, spend however you want!

Pampered chef party?

But only one superhero movie deserves a spot on the best movies of the decade?


Look, we can like his show and all, but “one of the biggest shames of the whole scandal” is that he preyed on women and ruined their careers. Let’s not get carried away.

I sort of didn’t see it coming that Driver was going to turn out to be ridiculously handsome. It snuck up on me.

So now we’re shitting on people for reaching the right conclusion but not being super aware of world events in their 20's. Just wanna be clear on this. That’s our new bar. You suck if you didn’t know about stuff in your 20's that you should have. 

If you don’t get the difference between punching up and punching down I don’t know what to tell you.

Don’t be racist, sexist, ableist, or trans/homophobic. That’s pretty much the list. If you can’t make people laugh without being any of those things, maybe the problem isn’t the culture that surrounds you?

So most of my life as an adult I’ve straddled the opinion fence, but having a discussion about discussions on politics - with a trans friend, opened my eyes.

Sometimes, it is personal. If someone tells me they think my marriage shouldn’t be legal because we’re two men or that it’s okay to deny me services based on my orientation, that isn’t a person who can be my friend. How am I supposed to have respect for someone that considers me less than?