If I may, the Bronx only has one bookstore—The Lit Bar—and it is black-owned. They’re partnered with bookshop.org to do deliveries, if anybody needs to stock up on reading materials.
If I may, the Bronx only has one bookstore—The Lit Bar—and it is black-owned. They’re partnered with bookshop.org to do deliveries, if anybody needs to stock up on reading materials.
I think proud and petty are negative character traits Rafael truly has (and I say this as someone who adores that character), but the ill will thing really annoyed me. He’s not harboring ill will towards Jane, he’s taking care of himself. Totally agree with you that not immediately getting back together with her was a…
Sure, that’s a fair reading. Obviously this is a thing that annoys a lot of people. My take on it is that he was keeping his feelings to himself and trying to stay away from her, she watched the wedding video after he asked her not to. At that point she knows how he feels, so it’s already become her problem, and I…
Ha, I just made almost the exact same comment (ie: they were in teen fashion magazines and they made them for Ever After also). Internet high five for remembering dorky details from the 90s.
I think they were tear outs from teen mags. I remember they had them for Ever After also.
I was born and raised in Queens, and now live in the Bronx (and have done Manhattan and Brooklyn in between) and while I agree that there are still some thriving neighborhoods, things have gotten really bad, even in the outer boroughs. I have lots of friends who everybody would agree make a good middle class income,…
This is an objectively true fact.
Yes, Felicity Jones is the emotional center of that movie, and her role is so much less flashy but she was incredible. It bums me out that she isn't getting talked about more. I know she's getting nominations, but somehow it stills feels like she's going unappreciated. Personally, I adore Eddie Redmayne so I'm glad he…
This is the Golden Globes of tears. So many of these speeches are making me weepy.
Right?! Usually they are terrible, but so far it's been great. And I'm not really into Downtown, but her speech was still on point.
Yeah that's fair. As with all things having to do with Serial, I can see how both things might be true, and I'm not entirely sure what I believe.
But as far as we know, there's no reason that this girl would have been previously aware of the timeline for the murder. She was never questioned by the police, so she only knew Hae was killed some time that day. If the podcast was the first time she heard exactly when the police said the murder took place, it makes…
I love and adore Seth Cohen, but what does concern me deeply is how Lane could go from Dave to Zach. What? WHAT?????
1. Fuuuuuck.
Does everybody else in your family get a birthday gift on their non-holiday adjacent birthdays?
Actually I loathe watching things online. I'll do it if I have to but watching on a 13 inch screen with the horrible sound on my laptop sucks. And there are just too many distractions if I'm not in a movie theater. It's basically the only place left I can watch a movie, uninterrupted, in its entirety.
I have reached my Snowpiercer breaking point. I've been wanting to see it for ages and now everybody is talking about how good it is and this week's EW came in the mail today with an article about it and I can find no information about when it might be playing near me - even the independent theater doesn't have it…
Even though I don't entirely trust American or English commentators on name pronunciation, I've always heard them pronounce the e, like "Klos-eh."