
Fallon is friendly like a puppy and Kimmel has douche face?

I don't think so. I'd heard the radio version two or three times and still enjoyed the movie.

I'm Team Pacey forever and Joshua Jackson will always be by TV boyfriend, but I will say this for the Beek: he certainly grew into that forehead.

Because religious schools are a good option for people who want religion integrated into their everyday lives. To be clear, I think what the school did to this girl is disgusting. I think teaching religion as if it were science is harmful and breeds stupidity. But not all religiously affiliated schools do that. Many

The more things I hear/read Kit Harrington say the more awesome he gets.

I was just yelling about this in regards to the U.S. remake of Sirens. The lead woman on the UK version was pretty, but normal pretty. Whereas on the U.S. version they were clearly going for a knockout. I nearly had a rage stroke (or would have if everything else about the U.S. version of the show hadn't already made

I'm looking forward to this. His first film (as a director), Abel, was really good.

I feel like every few weeks there's a piece about where are the YA books for boys??? GO BROWSE IN THE LIBRARY! The Giver, The Hobbit, Harry Potter, Holes, The Outsiders, Ender's Game, Percy Jackson, Unwind, Chaos Walking, anything by Sherman Alexie, Huckleberry Finn, Catcher in the goddam Rye. And that's just off the

I hope Captain America is amazing because I'm excited! Although I didn't love the first one.

Haha - well, now I'm curious what you thought I was saying.

It's amazing how even the smallest amount of representation of characters who aren't male stands out as crazy gender imbalance to people. And they don't consider that maybe the reason these series that focus on girls and women are so popular is because girls and women have been marginalized for so long that people are

Yes. I've seen so many comments whining about how "all" the movies now are about girls. Really? REALLY? There are NO movies for and about men anymore? Captain America and Lone Survivor and Robocop and Non-Stop and Need for Speed and the 300 sequel - those are movies about girls? Even if you look at YA, there was

"It's not like this is somebody that's been prosecuted and found guilty of something, and you can then go, 'I don't support this lifestyle or whatever.' "

So I saw Belle this week and really liked it! And not only is it about an upper class mixed race woman in 18th century England, it was also directed by a black woman. Get thee to a theater near you when it opens.

But that isn't the intention and it isn't happening as a side effect. He's not a satirist. It's not particularly smart comedy. He's not calling attention to anything interesting. This segment isn't going to change the fact that sometimes people lie to fit in. They don't seem to tell these people afterwards that the

This was boring when he did it at Coachella and it's boring now. People tell dumb white lies all the time and lots of people, especially younger maybe more insecure people are afraid to admit when they don't know something. Maybe he should move away from such easy targets.

I think I read an interview where he said he used to think people were making fun of him. He thought it was people being like "I can't believe that guy has been in so many movies."

Give her a break. You can't expect her to read a whole book.

When I first heard about the interview I thought well, sometimes you have to make accommodations for your partner's feelings and as long as she's okay with it, okay. But reading what she actually said, it does sound controlling. And there have definitely been rumors that he was cheating on her. He was one of the

That's a fair assessment. But it doesn't change my dissatisfaction with the ending.