
See I didn't think the ending was dark enough. It was like a fantasy action hero ending. He finds a way to get the money to his kids. He's able to kill Lydia. He uses what I thought was a cartoonish method to kill all the white power cooks and of course the two left standing are Jack and Todd so he and Jesse get to

That's an interesting way of looking at it. Although as an epilogue it's still unsatisfying to me because Walt gets to tie everything up in neat little bows but what the hell happens to everybody else? Like, I'm glad for you that your insane machine gun idea worked and you get your revenge and you figured out a way to

Food is weird. It's private, yet it's public. And a lot of people have deeply ingrained beliefs about food that we might not even realize are there until we see someone eating in a way that conflicts with our own ideas. I tend to think when people offer unsolicited opinions about other people's diets it's because they

I was finally able to watch the last season of Breaking Bad. Which was mostly amazing, but I'm going to commit what I sense is a terrible internet sin and say that the finale was kind of disappointing. There! I said it! That feel good to get off my chest.

But he and Emma Stone are so adorable together. I want their love to stand the test of time.

A few years ago I met a cute charming guy at a club. I slept with him that night. Even though we lived 2 hours away from each other we texted all the time and saw each other (for real dates, not booty calls) several times for the rest of the summer before we each moved back to our respective countries. My last

Kate Nash is so awesome! I've met her a few times (used to intern for the company that does her PR) and she is one of the nicest people I've ever had the pleasure of encountering.

I wish I would live in your world where all women and men are equal and men think Victoria's Secret models are disgusting

The Andrew Garfield story seemed very weird when they were reporting that he had a tantrum. So I'm glad he took the kid to Disney and hope the bad press blows over.

No it's okay. I'm always happy to talk about movies.

I think what has happened is that everybody loved Jennifer because she seemed so natural and funny and then the more "normal" and like an embarrassing dork she acted the more people were like "wait, nobody is this way all the time, she must be putting on a fake persona" and things she said and did that used to seem

Glad to help! I'm a Film major currently applying for jobs - may I use you as recommendation :-P

Yeah, I suspect this is something the internet cares about far more than he does.

I see what you are saying and yes, by the strictest sense of the word unique means there is only one of a thing. But it's also common usage for unique to mean unusual and that can be modified. Anyway, like I said, we all have different grammar and language peeves.

Eh, I tend to think this is an example of how language evolves. I know a lot of people still recognize it as incorrect, but I've seen some dictionaries that will put modifiers in front of unique when they give sample sentences. I suppose we all have different grammar bugaboos.

Nope. Nope.

It was a mess. It was supposed to be a comedy/drama but failed at both. The sting they were setting up felt completely small time so the stakes were never compelling. The they-pulled-it-off ending felt completely unearned. Bradley Cooper's character was no more obnoxious than Christian Bale, so why are we supposed to

But what if you find several things in a given category to be unique, with one standing out above the rest? There' a difference between qualifying something and expressing a degree of difference. If I thought Cutie and the Boxer, The Square and The Act of Killing were all unique, but Act of Killing was the "most

I honestly don't know if I'm happier about so many of my favorites winning or the fact that American Hustle got nothing. The combination of both is crazy satisfying.

This is the most I've ever liked Cumby.