
It's very cute. I'd say pleasant for when you want something light but not stupid. I'd highly recommend combining drinking and Miss Pettigrew! Especially if you enjoy cocktails.

I'm watching Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day and basking in the glory and joy of Lee Pace. It's making me extra enthusiastic about a Pushing Daisies movie.

He was so awesome in the men's skate! I'm not a patriotic person but he totally made me proud of America. I can only imagine how you and your family must have felt.

Once again, I never said it was an excuse. I also agree with you that people should bother to learn things outside of what they're taught in school. Your point is that you can't rely on formal education and my point is also that you can't rely on formal education. I don't know why you're so bothered by someone saying

EEK! That is deeply worrying.

The questions they're asked tend to lend themselves to those historical examples. It's usually some version of explaining how hardships can make people stronger, and the Civil Rights movement is easy for them to describe in those terms.

It is. I genuinely wonder how the majority of them managed to make it to junior and senior year of high school.

Who said it was an excuse? My point was that on a regular basis I see how little these students are being taught about Black history - that it's basically reduced to slavery and civil rights, and even that they have only a cursory grasp on. Maybe I could have said more to make this clear, but I was pointing out

Not surprised. I grade practice SAT essays and a vast majority of the kids write about MLK, Rosa Parks or Civil Rights. And the essays are usually terrible and ill-informed and completely superficial. And once you get to college and you are basically specializing in one subject, you're probably less likely to learn

This news brings me deep and true joy and I'm not ashamed to admit it!

I mean, I agree that his chances of acquittal are way less. But this girl is still dead. A grown adult still thought the appropriate response to having his car egged was to shoot at the people who did it. Regardless of whether the killer goes to prison or not, there is still an alarming number of stories of people

Exactly. There are no guarantees with films. And Twilight would have been an even more unknown quantity because it was one of the first YA book to screen adaptations. Harry Potter was huge, The Golden Compass was a flop, and that was pretty much it.

Eh, we have the wisdom of hindsight. We know the franchise became ridiculously huge, so it seems like they should have known at the time. But books become best sellers by selling what? 1oo,000 copies? So knowing that the series was "popular" doesn't mean you would know it was going to turn into this world famous crazy

I actually stayed up to watch The Tonight Show for maybe the first time ever. It was a really enjoyable show - this dance bit and the $100 bet bit really made me laugh. This was a good start for him and I hope it just keeps getting better

Opinions from people who have read Cuckoo's Calling. Yea or nay?

Maybe he could have handled it differently but her question was very reductive. It's about falling in love with software the way Harold and Maude is about a young boy fucking an old woman. And even though I disagree with her take on the film as expressed in her tweet, if she had found a way to word that opinion less

Exactly. Crowe...whatever. I'm not a fan but it's fucking Aronofsky. No matter what, it'll at least be interesting.

I want it but I'm also deeply deeply afraid. I don't trust you GoT.

To be fair, Lupita's won a lot more awards than she's lost. It's just that so far, except SAG, the big ones have gone to JLaw. I think it just goes to show that the more popular awards that have to consider their TV audience want to give awards to big name stars. The smaller awards have a better grasp on quality.

Lupita looks absolutely stunning. Of course I'm calling BS on her not winning. But I'm very happy for Chiwetel and Steve McQueen and Alfonso Cuaron! Mostly though I just want to look at that gorgeous dress Lupita is wearing.