
It's not really that I'm nervous about baking something new. I bake a lot and it usually comes out pretty well. It's more that I wanted pie now but was way too lazy to go out and get ingredients. That's all good advice for the future though! Clearly it's good to have these things on hand!

I was thinking lemon chess or some kind of lemon ricotta tart. I have an excess of lemons in the house right now. I've also been dying to try the Sour Cream Apple Walnut recipe from Little Pie Company.

I could go to the supermarket but that would require putting on a bra. And pants. I think I'll have to wait until tomorrow. But since Tom Hiddleston taught us all the joys of delayed gratification, I suppose that'll be okay.

I want to bake a pie. But I've never made a pie before and there's nobody to share it with. It's possible that I just want a slice of pie from a bakery, but it's far too late at night for that option. Sigh. Is it too much to ask for homemade pie that magically appears when I want it?

Not getting the extras is the biggest thing holding me back. I live for commentary tracks! Plus a lot of the movies I want cost the same or more in digital format, for less content. But I also shudder to think how quickly my library could become obsolete.

I lived in Scotland for a while and I loved living in Europe, but it was much harder than I thought it would be. Going with your spouse would almost definitely make it easier, but I would still say you should go someplace where friends or family are close. I was in grad school and made some great friends, and had

Invest in a warm pair of slippers (I have these amazing knitted booties that I pretty much live in in the winter) and a heating pad to take to bed with you. There are also little heating packs you can put in your gloves on your hat to help warm you up outside. Wearing several thinner layers can be warmer than one

Slings and Arrows. I can't recommend it enough. It's more of a dramady (for lack of a better word), but it's as compelling as a straight drama. And I second the recommendation someone else made for Justified.

Have you talked to anybody in the field you want to go into? That might be the best place to get advice for what would be the best course of action for you. I suspect it would be a good idea, since this sounds like it's a new field for you. But speaking as someone who got a Master's because I couldn't find work and

I heard they found him guilty?

I'm not too into sports, but I love most sports movies. I just watched Men With Brooms, which is about curling (ie: a sport I barely even knew what it was), and it was SO GOOD.

Pork potstickers. They were frozen but it's inspired me to try to make shrimp dumplings from scratch sometime later this week.

Apparently I'm The Hulk. I... don't know how to feel about that.

As someone who has been underemployed for nearly a year now, I worry obsessively about cover letters. I'm usually a pretty good writer and freelance as an editor at the moment, but when it comes to explaining "why employing me will be the greatest damn decision you will ever make!" I feel pretty useless. I try to

What are people’s thoughts on owning a physical vs. a digital movie library? I’ve been trying to get out of the habit of buying movies, but there are a few titles I’d rather own. Buying DVDs seems like a bad investment but I’ve already had a few unsatisfactory experiences buying from iTunes and I don’t like losing out

Becks would be more than enough reason to want to be Posh, but I also sort of love her. I love her ice queen persona and I like a lot of the tings from her line.

It's laughable. Someone feels like if they didn't believe in God they'd go on an unstoppable murder/robbery spree, and yet somehow believe they have the moral high ground over everybody else? Uh huh...

A former friend of mine who is an Orthodox Jew once tried to debate with me about the morals of atheism because "if there's no God then why should people think murder is wrong?" She accepted it easily when I explained, but her religious upbringing was so ingrained that she'd never stopped to think why people who don't

I don't remember exactly. I'm the youngest in my family by a lot so one of my older cousins must have been watching it, but I can't remember if they actually let me watch it (they might have, they had poor judgement about what was and wasn't OK for a kid my age) or it was an accident. Either way I walked in at the way

Isn't he retiring as well? It must be so heartbreaking to have to drop out of your last Olympics.