
When I was about 6 I happened to see the part of the movie from where he gets shot many times to where he wakes up robot and it freaked me the fuck out. It nightmare terrified me. But perhaps it's time to revisit it and watch it as a less scared of movies adult.

It seems that higher education being more open to women than it was before would account for at least some of this. Obviously it used to be more common for men to have more education than their wives - women weren't always welcome to get advanced degrees. This just seems like things are evening out.

That's what I was thinking. Just because Ferrell has a lot of money doesn't mean his production company can bankroll every single project he wants to work on. Especially if other companies aren't eager to cooperate with the production and distribution (I imagine this idea would hit some walls at other places in

Bachelorette is so so good! The cut they showed at Sundance was different than the final release, and apparently the characters were a lot meaner and the story less put together in the Sundance cut. So that turned off the critics and the indie film taste makers, so that's probably why it got kind of buried.

We could go around on this for hours. Some people aren't going to learn what you teach them. I have to think it's better to teach it anyway, for the benefit of the people who will take something away from it, and might not get the information elsewhere. But this clearly isn't a right/wrong situation, it's just the two

I understand that you were arguing that some people will make poor financial choices no matter what and of course that's true. But when it comes to education, making the argument that some people just won't learn suggests that the attempt isn't worthwhile.

Education shouldn't cater to the lowest expectations. Some people don't wear seat belts or use their turn signal but they still teach drivers ed. And just because some people don't read books they can still read, even if it's only texts or emails. They're still utilizing that skill and I bet plenty of people, even if

By "I know this is corny" do you mean "I know this is one of the greatest TV shows that has ever existed"?

Yes. I devoured this show in like a week.

Slings and Arrows. Slings and Arrows is everything. I know they took it off Netflix streaming :-( I don't know if it's available on Hulu and/or Amazon. But it's so perfect I would even recommend paying for it. The Returned is also really good and the mood matches the never ending winter we're having.

That's such a shame about Tom Brokaw. I hope he'll have as quick and easy a recovery as possible.

It's different because the BBC is addressing a problem by finding a way to be inclusive. Seinfeld can do whatever the hell he wants on his show, but it is very tired that he thinks only white dudes are funny. Making it a specific part of your mission to be inclusive is not the same thing as holding up a problematic

Haha, you're welcome. I hope this was helpful.

Cumberbatch does nothing for me so I can't speak to that. But Tom, I didn't find attractive at first and now looooove. Classically handsome is boring to me and often seem like male wish fulfillment (ie: an ex of mine was obsessed with Superman and couldn't believe I didn't find any of the actors who'd ever played that

That sucks. I hope you're able to find something you like for now, and fingers crossed it won't be too long until you can upgrade to what you really want.

There's probably some overlap in kids who watch that and kids who've seen Thor, but even so Sesame Street doesn't seem too concerned with getting people the kids would definitely recognize. They've had Benedict Cumberbatch, Katy Perry, Mark Ruffalo...

I've been bitching about their coverage all day. I just want to watch the women's free skate goddamnit is that such a monumental ask!?!

That video never fails to get my pulse going. Stop teasing Cookie Monster, Tom! It affects me in ways that a Sesame Street video really should not.

I do the same, but with apartments. I also stalk a lot of interior design blogs. It's fun until I realize I'll never ever make enough to buy my own place, much less pretty furniture to go in it.