
Ben McKenzie is such an underrated actor. I hope this show will be awesome because I need more Ryan Atwood happening on my TV.

Ohhhh yay!!! Obviously you should catch up with the rest of the Marvel movies.

And have some Cranford too

Excuse me, it just got very hot in here.

I have depression and even on days I don't feel particularly bad, I still have trouble getting through any kind of to-do list. Sometimes doing one or two small chores helps. Even if it's "put my shoes in the closet" or something else really simple, I still feel a little better and if I get enough small things done

I had to take a cooking dinner/baking cookies break but:

I've never used it for laundry. Interesting! I use it in my bathroom - vinegar, lemon and baking soda take care of almost everything.

I've seen this on Tumblr a few times and it's never not mesmerizing.

I know! It's still too far away! And I'm guessing only in certain cities, which would not include mine. Miami is a few hours away from me, but it's playing at the festival there next month so if I can get a ticket I might road trip.

You brought A+ gif game.

I miss Burt’s Saturday night Hiddles parties (you are excellent Mark but the ability Burt has to relate everything to Hiddles is uncanny). In that spirit (and because I got screwed over about something I was really excited for and need a pick me up), these photos from his Top Gear episode are full of scruff and

Any excuse to use this gif is a good excuse!

That's a great idea. For various reasons I don't like to talk with my friends about feeling depressed, but it still makes me feel better if someone send a "thinking about you" message. An actual card in the actual mail would be awesome.

Penis cannon? Yeah, that seems like something a 14 year old would think was hysterical.

Those are amazing. Steve Carrell, Orlando Bloom and Dan Radcliffe are eerily accurate.

You're so right! Overweight kids should never stop moving! They shouldn't ever eat anything other than vegetables! 24/7 raw spinach and jumping jacks! Those disgusting little fuckers shouldn't be allowed to enjoy anything until they learn how disgusting and shameful their existence is!

This exactly! Body diversity doesn't mean "omg the fatties are trying to make everyone else just like them and they won't be happy until everyone has diabetes and our asses become one with the couch cushions." It just means including people who aren't stick figures and admitting that those people can have interesting

Wanting a Disney princess whose body looks more like an average woman does not automatically equal extremely obese (although SURPRISE even people that large are people and deserve to have media representation that isn't just about how disgusting they are). Disney princesses are underweight. If they can portray

Pitch Perfect turned me off acapella forever. Not because the movie was bad but because their big final song got stuck in my head for weeks. It still haunt my dreams.

I'm having such problems with the way HoD is developing. I was hoping it would be a show that was quirky cute rom-com TV with the exception that instead of constant will they won't they back and forth people would break up, move on, find new healthier relationships and be happy. This week's episode destroyed that