
Enough with the "what about the children?!?!?" Children grow up exposed to straight relationships and they don't start out asking about sex. If kids knew about same sex couples right from the get go they still wouldn't start out asking about sex. Just because you as an adult are obsessed with what same sex couples do

It's a show that everyone seems to love, and yet somehow it's also completely underrated. In fact, I remember an article on Jez a long while back about taking a critical look at specific "pop culture boyfriends". It was supposed to be a series and the article said it was going to cover Raylan Givens, and then I never

I watched it and fast forwarded through most of the parts Tom wasn't in. The play was good because the puppets offset the sentimentality, but dear GAWD the movie was painful.

Funny, it' a small sample size but the theory is being borne out in these comments.

I was thinking the same thing. Seems like he would want to keep his feelings a little more private. A bad attitude can hurt anybody's career, and it isn't as if he's such a well known in demand actor to begin with.

I thought American Hustle was a total mess, but I did like Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner in it. I've seen most but not all the BP nominees and 12 Years a Slave just seems so obviously the best made, best shot, and most important film on that list. And the performances were stunning.

But it comes up for the smaller categories because it's rare that people ever see any of them. My understanding is that there's no rule that says you have to see all the nominees in the big categories because they figure voters will see some of them. I always think about the year when Reese Witherspoon won Best

Great thing I've ever heard. If I got free ice cream from Ron Weasley I'd be giddy for the rest of my life.

Me too. And I could see how the movie would be appealing to people who really like sketch comedy. It's an interesting theory.

That might be true, but it doesn't make it an effective way to process and talk about art and culture. If you don't want to see a movie that's cool, but then you shouldn't really be taking part in a discussion about it. And it's definitely problematic that the Oscars don't require you to have seen all the films in a

OMG HE'S THE ATONEMENT RAPIST! You just brought this memory flooding back where I saw the movie credits and thought Benedict Cumberbatch is the most British name to ever British." Anyway, I'm with you, he does nada for me.

I really liked it, but it's probably not a movie for you if you hate Phoenix. Maybe wait until you can get in on DVD or download so at least you won't have spent movie ticket money.

I'd have liked to see Daniel Bruhl over Jonah Hill. But I'm crazy biased in favor of Daniel.

I really disliked American Hustle, but I also think people should see what they're interested in/curious about. You won't know if you like it unless you see it. If it helps, a film critic who I usually think is spot on, said he's found that people who really enjoy sketch comedy seem to be American Hustle fans.

I really liked it. I thought it worked emotionally and intellectually and even though it plays on MPDG stereotypes I thought it managed to transcend them. And the friendship he has with Amy Adams was well done.

Lupita Nyong'o just seemed like she was having the most fun that night. It's so endearing.

But you're only a stork blessed mom if you're well off. God help you if you got yourself knocked up and need to take advantage of social programs you selfish dumb whore.

Right. Because women who have abortions don't understand that pregnancy leads to a baby! If they only understood!

In response, Rep. Trent Franks of Arizona countered that pregnant women have nothing to do with abortion funding.