
Salvage the Bones and Men We Reaped are both on my reading list this year and I'm very excited about them. I should probably get on NW too, but I've read Smith's other books and want to get some new authors in. So many books, so little time.

I can see what you're saying. Obviously Salinger still looms large and it's naive to deny that. On the other hand, nothing wrong with reevaluating the canon every now and then. As for people who don't read beyond Catcher I guess I see that as a them problem. If you enjoy a book the onus is on you to seek out the

I'm also not a Salinger fan and I've read Catcher in the Rye, Nine Stories, and Franny and Zooey. But that seems besides the point to me. Who are the readers of The Believer that haven't read Salinger (or decided that they're not interested in reading him)? If you're reading that magazine that ship has sailed. It just

I'm about halfway through Cinnamon and Gunpowder and thoroughly enjoying it. One of my favorites from 2013 was Tomorrow There Will be Apricots (I've mentioned it before on here and at least one person found it too sad to get through, which is fair but it is a wonderful book), You Deserve Nothing, The Post Birthday

A friend of mine used to drink at a bar that Jimmy Fallon frequented back in the SNL days and said he was beloved by the staff there and known to buy rounds for people.

There is too much to love about this show! Anything with Jean Ralphio or Perd or Tammy 2, Ron in the circle desk, Ben working at Entertainment 720, Treat Yo Self (which is also the one with Tammy 1 and Ron's mom and the amazing drinking contest, right?), pretty much anything Chris Pratt does. The thing Amy mentioned

They must be promoting Star Trek.

Even places that have a reputation for being hot can get very cold in the winter. I'm a New Yorker currently living in Florida and it doesn't get as cold, but it can go down into the 20s. I've heard that certain places in Texas are similar.

There is not even the smallest of chances that someone hasn't written Loki/Heimdall fic.

Yes. I knew it was coming and it was still one of the most heartbreaking things I've ever seen on TV.

Yeah, but I hated her way less. Lord Grantham was into that. With Branson it felt more like she was taking advantage of him, knowing he was lonely and feeling conflicted about where he belonged. The other maid I was like lady no! but she wasn't so scheme-y. This one wants something and she wants to use/possibly

I want good things for Edith. That doesn't include high tailing it to Berlin and becoming a German citizen shortly before WWII.

I have crazy amounts of love for John Green considering I've never read any of his books.

They are both fantastic and smart and talented and have stolen all the handsome to compliment their velvet jackets.

But it's likely that Baby George is going to outlive us all, so for the purposes of there being a Queen in our lifetimes, Lizzie is it.

Not to melt into a puddle of teenage girl here, but AHHHHHMIGAWD THAT FACE!

Lupita not winning would be up there among the worst Oscar travesties and if J Law wins I'll fly into a rage (I like her but didn't like American Hustle and thought she was miscast in it and honestly if she wins 2 years in a row I'll think the Academy is basically just getting its opinions from Tumblr).

I mean I like Thor/Hemsworth in a "you seem like a decent guy" way, but attraction wise Loki is more interesting, smarter, and has better character development and Tom is the most delightful person in existence. No contest.