
For me it's that this is the only gift I've gotten this year, plus I'm unemployed and don't get to buy things for myself too often, so it's like I have to make this count.

I have a few already but I don't journal and know myself well enough to admit that it is not something I'll start doing. I have one I love from J Crew and have anxiety about not knowing what to do with it.

My dream me would be Rachel Weisz but she's like 15 years older than me, so that probably wouldn't work. Maybe Maggie Gyllenhaal. My main qualities are smart but my life is still a fucking mess and not in a rom-com way, in a dramatic this might not turn out okay way. Maggie could do that.

I have a whopping $18 to spend on Amazon and don't know what to do with it. My go-to purchases are usually books, but I desperately need to work through my library and not expand on it. And I can't think of anything I need or want in that price range. Ideas?

To quote the post:

It's not like the worst hypocrisy of our times or anything, but generally it just seems a little silly to me, if you're writing a gossip column, to be like "why do people care about celebrities?"

Or, it doesn't read as sarcasm. I'm not saying she's legitimately upset but she starts out saying she finds it bizarre. I find it bizzare that someone writing the Dirt Bag gossip column thinks it's weird that people are voting on which celebs they'd want to live next door to.

She just posted an article about being bummed out by the rumors that Tori Spelling's husband is cheating on her, because she likes them and wanted to believe in their love. The article concluded with a plea to Nick Offerman and Megan Mullalley to stay together. In the grand scheme of things, that's not too different

Like I said, I don't take issue with this list, and I don't really have a problem with hottest celeb lists generally. And I'm completely aware that there's a power imbalance that allows the existence of a Hot Men Over 60 list to happen while a Hot Women Over 60 list remains unlikely, but I still think the OP has an


I don't think the point was that it's not feminist to find older men attractive, but that making a list of men based on their "bangability" is questionable and if a men's publication put out a similar list of older women they'd like to fuck, Jezebel would probably write a sarcastic takedown. Personally, I don't have a

But isn't that the entire point? That despite the rest of Leviticus being void they still lose their minds about homosexuality?

My guess is they both have such a high opinion of themselves that they don't give a single shit about being classy. They think whatever they do is wonderful because they're the ones doing it.

YAY someone else who appreciates the glory that was so noTORIous! That show was so funny and she was amazingly self-aware on it. Plus all the Zach Quinto! It's definitely on DVD. At least I have the DVDs so there must be other copies floating around out there.

I really enjoyed their show also and thought they were cute together and really into each other and the kids are cute and they have a bunch of dogs and a chicken and maybe a goat. I don't know, I liked it. And I'd be sad if the cheating story is true, but not surprised. I imagine finding someone to shtup you is

I'm with you. I get terrible anxiety from having things in the house I don't want. It's the thought that counts and a truly thoughtful thing would be to make sure your gift is returnable :-)

That sounds like a truly amazing gift. I'd offer up a trade but I got no gifts. Seriously though, I desperately want a winter onesie.

This is why I sometimes think people should have to apply for a license before they procreate. If you can't even bother to be thoughtful enough to your child to name them something not batshit insane, what else are you going to put them through?

Lilo and Stitch is the best Disney movie! The best! It doesn't get enough credit, sadly.

I have a feeling that "retire" in this case means "please leave me alone to do shitty things without media coverage." Justin, child, that is almost definitely not going to happen. Your music is pretty incidental to your fame at this point. The way to get the media to stop covering your shitty behavior is to stop being