
Funny, but wrong. The 10 best Christmas songs are obviously "All I Want For Christmas" 5 times and "Fairytale of New York" 5 times.

My dad has a vague idea of when my birthday is but I can't remember any birthdays past 10 when he got the day right, or hell, even sent a card. I usually get a call a few days after my birthday, which leads me to think that my mother calls him and reminds him.

I don't know if you're trying to be condescending, but you're really coming across that way. I was sexually abused as a kid and have had eating disorders and been in and out of therapy for 15 years, so I don't actually need Depression 101, thanks.

Oh I thought Alan Arkin was fantastic. Between him and Waltz which were both comedic-ish roles in serious films, I thought Arkin was way better.

Judgement face is clearly warranted here.

I used to go down for weekends in Liverpool. The only time I ever felt unsafe was once when I got lost trying to walk back from Anfield and that's only because I was alone and didn't know where the hell I was going. Nothing to do with the people at all. I also lived in Sheffield for a while and all my friends from

Equating the death of your friend's mother with your stomach bug LeAnn? Sending the message that you really care.

Yup. Honestly, I've seen some horrific drunk behavior on Raisin Weekend in St Andrews, but it's posh kids so it's "tradition". To the best of my knowledge nobody covers it as if it's some sort of threat to public health and safety.

Haha I just realized this discussion could go on forever because the natural counter is that that works both ways. The forgetful party can't force a change in the feelings and behavior of the hurt party. So instead of telling them to get over it, you can only try to be less forgetful in the future.

Getting angry over not getting a gift seems excessive, but what the hell is wrong with wanting to go out for dinner or drinks on your birthday? Yes, every year. If you don't want to celebrate your own birthday that's cool, but don't begrudge other people.

People shouldn't get passive aggressive and play mind games, but you shouldn't have t0, year after year, tell the people closest to you "my birthday is important to me." Once you get close enough to someone to know where their sensitive spots are, you should care enough to make the effort not to hurt them, especially

It all comes down to whether or not your family makes it a priority. If they don't, shame on them.

When it's friends, I'm with you, but your parents and spouse forgetting your birthday is some bullshit. Write on the calendar in highlighter. Set extra Google and phone alerts.

Every one of these items sounds like too much work for when I'm drunk.

Alan Arkin in Best Supporting. The one award Argo hands down deserved.

I saw him in London one time too. Usually I'm pretty good at recognizing people and sussing out if it's okay to go talk to them, but I was stunned by his hotness and it wasn't until he walked away that I remembered I knew him from Dirty Pretty Things and Serenity.

Did you read the article that someone posted, about how family courts often ignore history of abuse in custody cases? If I'm remembering it correctly, it suggested that the majority of times a man killed his child, it was after the courts ignored abuse allegations.

That isn't the point though. The point is how many suicidal people with no previous history of physically or emotionally abusing their partners, kill family members along with themselves - that is the issue here.


There was a rumor going around that this entire thing was cooked up by VF & GOOP for the PR in the first place.