
I feel like when celebrities take time off it seems a little silly to those of us who wish we could take time off but can't, and people who are privileged enough to do so should maybe word their press statements carefully when they talk about taking time off. But on the other hand, for most of us, we sleep every night

In this case an hour wouldn't have worked because it would have meant skipping the dog park entirely. Which to my mother, would be the equivalent of leaving them in the road to die. (I feel like I sound bitter about the dogs, I love dogs it's just that she caters to them as if they were baby royalty). But it's

Well, I definitely yelled. If that counts as flipping out.

Oh yeah I've seen that. Maybe. I was trying to think of movies where the lead is single for most of the movie, but that is a good one about relationships.

I also hope it doesn't happen but only because I'm fairly certain the earth would explode.

This is one of the great tragedies of my life. Frankly, I think they need to get on perfecting human cloning. Because this thing where I can't have Tom, I think it's bullshit.

I love Hiddles dearly but I'm glad someone has pointed out how awesome Sam Rockwell is!

The competition is silly but it's reasonable to like one and not the other. I don't watch Sherlock and as good as BC was in 12 Years a Slave and even though Trek made me understand people's attraction to his voice, I'm just totally neutral on him. Nothing about him would either compel me or turn me off from watching

Oof. That does sound extremely trying!

I'm not saying depression isn't a factor, I'm saying that most people who commit suicide do not take their families out with them. And when they do, there is very often a history of abuse or patterns of controlling behavior. I think there is a big difference in the mental state of someone who kills himself and someone

Cumberbatch's enthusiasm and willingness to dance when he's not that good at it is its own kind of achievement but there's no question here. Tom is legitimately an awesome dancer, he's always so happy to oblige, and that "slumber party" dance video makes me feel feelings. Very serious, heart speeds up feelings!

Being suicidal is not the same thing as being murderous and suicidal. Most people who kill only themselves are not trying to hurt other people, it's about depression. Murder - suicides are rage combined with depression and one of the primary goals is to exact revenge on someone else.

You mean which rom-coms do I like? Legally Blonde, 10 Things I Hate About You, Easy A, She's the Man, 13 Going on 30. But to be clear I didn't mean that those films don't rely on gender essentialism, just that I like the protagonists. Getting a guy isn't the central goal of any of the characters, but relationships are

That article is heartbreaking. I wonder if judges could be sued for ignoring abuse allegations if it ends up with the child being abused or murdered.

The current system definitely has to be changed but unfortunately I don't think erasing "mother" and "father" from the legal documents would matter. If it was a contentious custody battle, an angry dangerous parent might still be able to do something like this. Someone below posted a link to an article about times

I don't think it's being spoiled. First off, when you have to move back home after college it's really difficult to be go back to being treated like a kid. It sounds like taking responsibility for your own things helps you feel like a functioning adult, and you probably need that right now if you're feeling bad about

It's already incredibly difficult to have to move back home as an adult, and then I think the majority of us who have to end up playing out these weird teenage dynamics with our parents all over again. My mom and I got along fine all the years I lived away from home, now we can't go more than a few days without a

Adult living at home with parent drama:

I think it really relates to people still feeling like women are supposed to be attractive. Prettiness is considered an important part of femininity. Combine that with the idea that women can find companionship and especially sex, more easily than men can because a pretty woman will always have men going for her - and

I know I've been hearing such good things! (And if the Daily Mail dislikes it I will count that as a major point in its favor!)