
No, that sounds all kinds of crazy. While there might be certain very specific situations where it's appropriate for one partner to ask another to alter their relationship to a third party, asking your SO to cut off contact (and on Facebook of all places? Really? It's not like she's having drinks with her exes every

Do you think your Imam would be open to listening to you and having a debate about these issues, or are you just wishing there might be something you could say to change him? Because if you want to write a letter explaining how you feel so that you can get if off your chest, that is one thing, but if the only purpose

Based on his adorable youth and the modernity of the clothes, I think it must be from Suburban Shootout, but all I can say with certainty is that I saw it on Tumblr.

As sad as it was, it was also so engrossing and well written. I completely devoured it.

He's handsome and smart and well spoken and talented and playful and has a sexy voice and loves to dance and seems like a romantic. I think that covers it?

Agreed. I love her in Into the Wild and Adventureland. Again, they play to her strengths (in those cases, being unimpressed).

Meh, you shouldn't feel bad for not being that into certain performances. That's art - not everybody is going to respond to everything positively.

LOVE Diaz. Everything he writes is worth whatever emotional pain it causes!

I think you just have to chalk to up to different strokes. Though in K-Stew's case it probably has something to do with the fact that she was pretty good as a child actress, and in Into the Wild, and maybe people didn't realize how limited her range was because she was so talented in those kind of surly roles. Maybe?

Anything contemporary. Just not fantasy/sci-fi.

Ha, well I hope you find something in there you're interested in! I feel like I literary vomited at you.

Just finished The Flamethrowers and loved it! Some other highlights of what I read this year: Tomorrow There Will Be Apricots, The Dog Stars, The Uncoupling, You Deserve Nothing, Sacre Bleu. And if you're a YA fan I've taken to recommending the Graceling series to everyone.

Oh I really hated The Other Boleyn Girl. How do these compare?

I've read that but yeah, along those lines.

Any good recommendations for historical or contemporary left-wing fiction? I recently finished The Flamethrowers and read The Given Day earlier this year, they were both great and I’d like to read more novels involving the history of social movements (doesn’t necessarily have to be in the US).

Yeah I watched the first few episodes and it was just so ridiculous. I really like Nicole Behari and thought Old Timey Englishman in modern times was done very well, but I don't have the patience to keep up with it week to week. Maybe a marathon one day when I really need the couch time.

1. They are asking that much knowing it will probably not be met and they'll have to come down lower.

"These atheists are tryin' ta take the Christ out of Christmas! Persecution!"