
Well they're just about the cutest real life couple to ever canoodle, so she's probably pretty into him.

Goodness I love Andrew Garfield. And Emma Stone. I want Gwen to stay so we can have the joy of them being adorable together.

Some people have said he looks like Leonardo DiCaprio when Leo was young. Which is incorrect. He looks like a young version of what Leo looks like now, but not Leo at the height of his hotness. If that makes sense?

Men are not "not supposed to pay attention to her clothes or behavior." If you're in a place like a bar or club where it's generally acceptable to hit on people, by all means approach a woman. But if she rejects you then fucking accept it. Just because a woman is scantily clad and out enjoying herself doesn't mean she

Even though I really dislike the use of the word whore and that hashtag, and it is reductive to resort to calling a woman names when she does something sexual that you don't approve of, I appreciate Rashida's further explanation of her comments. She obviously does have a more nuanced view than those tweets would let

We're talking about a class on don't call women sluts while you're fighting to take away every right to bodily autonomy they have. So no. I don't think they should get a cookie for it. Personally, I prefer that their rhetoric match their callous, damaging, hateful policies, at least then everything is out in the open.

I don't think it's at all reassuring. They think the problem is the way they are perceived, when the actual problem is their ideas and their platforms. Are they still going to fight against reproductive rights? Are they still going to oppose efforts to gain equal pay? Are they still going to institute economic

The most "upsetting" thing about either of these trailers is not even Shia's bare bottom. It's the close shot of his tongue in that girl's mouth. Otherwise, well... von Trier gonna do what von Trier gonna do.

You're arguing that terrorist trumps emotional guy, because he's too emotional. Which is traditionally considered a feminine characteristic, and I don't think dislike of or discomfort with emotionality can be entirely separated from gender bias.

Haha, yeah, sometimes it feels ridiculous to care about fictional characters this much. Then I remember that actually, it speaks to deep-seated tropes about masculinity and its entanglement with violence, so that violence becomes an admirable and desirable trait in men.

Truthfully I read a few of Kozol's books a lot of years ago, at the very beginning of my activism awareness. Oversimplification could be a valid criticism, I wouldn't have known better at the time. Mountains Beyond Mountains I adore. It's probably my favorite work of non-fiction.

True, but Katniss/Peeta/Gale is a poor example of this conundrum because Katniss only experiences sexual feelings for Peeta. So.

THANK YOU! I'm probably way more worked up about this than I need to be, but it drives me fucking crazy when people prefer Gale. It always boils down to Peeta not being masculine enough. Meanwhile, Gale is basically a terrorist. It is amazing to me that even on a feminist website, terrorist trumps beta male for some

I always hear the worst things about him. But he was very good in Dallas Buyers Club, and now I really want to see Mr. Nobody.

The German boys being killed was very sad. But I tend not to like tear jerkers. My icy heart is uncomfortable with overt emotional manipulation.

Thanks so much!!

I think your life partner should be your primary, but not only, source of support. Of course family and friends are important also but when you're talking about life partner, that's the person you've chosen to be your family. If that person isn't the person you can most rely on for emotional support, to me that would

Well that's just fantastic.

Guess I will just have to resume watching all the Hiddleston things until I find the source. Damnit! :-)

Dear lord where is that gif from?