
Sigh, I miss Christmas markets. What I wouldn't give for a nice mug of gluhwein. There doesn't seem to be anything like that around here. The only mini decorations I've found have been in supermarkets and are a bit tacky.

Oh? I don't know anything about how Russians celebrate New Years. Do tell!

I really liked the play, but I definitely remember thinking it was the artistry of the puppets that made the whole thing work for me.

I read this when I was older, but Mountains Beyond Mountains, about Partners in Health's work (mostly in Haiti) was incredible. And pretty much anything by Jonathan Kozol.

I have to figure out how to sneak Christmas in behind my mother's back. We're Jewish, and she gets offended that I enjoy Christmas. But I celebrated it with my dad's side of the family as a kid and the past 3 years when I was living abroad I celebrated with my friends, and had some of the happiest holidays of my life.

Doug's made it clear in a few previous posts that he doesn't like the series. Which is fine, but I'm also not too interested in his opinions on it, because they usually amount to snarky digs.

Oh my God that's horrible. One of the worst nights of my life was when I was about 14 and my mom agreed to dog sit for a dog she'd never met before. We came home and it had attacked our dog, who we'd had since he was 3 months old and had never ever in his life gotten into a fight with another dog. I was so scared.

I just used it for a trip to NY and thought it was great. Although I'm from NY originally so that might have made it easier for me. It wasn't a gorgeous place but it got the job done and was very very well priced. For NY my best advice would be to make sure it's close to a subway stop (preferably on a line that's

I'm suffering from having to wait for the next movie. They did such a good job with Catching Fire, I wonder if they might be able to improve on the book. I always liked the idea and a lot of the plot points of Mockingjay but the execution was poor. If the movie can fix some of the problems it would be very exciting!

I spent time alone in Madrid, Valencia and Barcelona, Munich and Salzburg. I always felt safe and absolutely loved all those cities!

If you can get it, NUDE makes a great oil face wash. I lived in Scotland for 3 years and nothing worked on my skin in the winters there, until I discovered that face wash. I swear by it.

He's 8 years younger than me. I used to feel bad about it but now - whatever. He's legal. He's old enough to drink. He's totally hot and he seems to be an awesome guy. I say indulge the crush.

I am having a shit night and all the Hiddles gifs on this post are making me feel a lot better. Thanks Burt (I mean, I know many people are posting Tom independently of their own free will but I still credit you).

I'm signed up with 2 agencies but they haven't been that helpful. They don't match people to jobs, they just notify you of openings that you wouldn't hear about otherwise, and you apply on your own. There are also a lot of veterans where I am, and most of the job resources go to helping them and businesses prefer to

So things are pretty bad. I've talked on Jez before about how I lost my job and had to move back in with my mother. I don't even have friends here b/c she retired and moved to a different state. And I'm really not in a mental state where I can deal with figuring out how to meet people. I've been unemployed for 7

Can you please get a job in casting?

Haha, I was about to post this same photo.

You don't understand that you are the problem.

These are all desserts. I just want stuffing! ALL THE STUFFING!

When I reread Mockingjay that part had me bawling. I think Sam Claflin could knock it out of the park, but I'm slightly worried some of that storyline might get cut. Catching Fire mostly skipped over the man whore thing, and the bit about Annie being held hostage was cut. I'm sure it'll be in the Mockingjay movies,