
I didn't say you did. I said I'm afraid the trial will go that way because of a similar line of argument to the one you made, which in the end, has nothing to do with the case because she's not on trial. Her murderer is.

Whoa. That is badass.

I accidentally recommended while meaning to reply. Obviously drunk driving is a serious issue, but she didn't as far as we know harm anybody, so what does that have to do with anything? I really fear that this man will go free precisely because this woman was black and driving drunk - neither of which is justifiable

I love their designs, even though I could never afford (or probably fit into) most of their stuff. So I'm pretty excited about this perfume.

Haha - I will consider this a huge victory! In fact, I think we should hold this exchange up as proof that civil and rational debate can happen online :-P

It's time to let this go. I get that people love to hate on Starbucks but so many other things made with pumpkin pie spice are available and delicious. And if you like to bake there are so many fun things to try! And the best thing of all? If pumpkin spice isn't your thing you don't have to eat it! I know this because

I'm completely in agreement that that is a disgusting song and her being involved with a performance of it is problematic. But I'm really uncomfortable with so many people tearing into her for claiming the word feminist. She's still pretty young and likely hasn't examined her performance and image from any in depth

When Miley Cyrus starts trying to enact political policies that restrict women's rights then I will happily say she has no right to use the word feminist.

Sooo... Macys saw how well that racial profiling thing worked out for Barneys and decided to follow in their footsteps? And if these stores are so concerned about credit card fraud why don't they make it a policy that all customers have to show an extra form of ID if they're paying on a card?

I like Elle Fanning but her accent is terrible. During Ginger & Rosa I was so distracted by it and the problem seems to have gotten worse here.

This has nothing to do with this thread but I'm desperately hoping your username is Frightened Rabbit related.

Savages, Chvrches and Haim - and really enjoying them all!

The Flamethrowers. I'm just over halfway through and I'm so engrossed. Plus the last thing I read was Allegiant which felt like a waste of my time so I'm extra happy about how good The Flamethrowers is. And if you're looking for suggestions, I read Tomorrow There Will Be Apricots recently and really enjoyed that as

My understanding is that BDSM is built around consent and being extremely clear about what is and is not okay with you, and your partner respecting the boundaries you set. So I'd say that within that structure it's in line with feminism. And generally, it's probably empowering for anybody to know and say what turns

Between not having a job and living with my mother in a place where I don't know anybody, I tend to get really depressed. I was just rejected from another job (one where I had jumped through several hoops in the interview process) but for once, I mercifully don't feel like the most worthless person on the planet. I'm

Rocking out to a bunch of new albums I splurged on. I'm not as caught up on new music as I used to be but sometimes I find something new that I really really like and nothing makes me feel quite the same as loving a new album.

I'm with you (and I suspect we're not alone). I enjoy Thor/Avengers and think he's really good as Loki, but I'm not as crazy about Marvel and Loki as so many of his fans seem to be. And I'm not particularly attracted to him as Loki. Give me Tom being Tom any day of the week!

Ohh thanks! I hadn't even thought about reading books about comics but actually that will be really useful!

That sounds really interesting! And comics about women are the jumping off point, but I'm definitely also looking for stuff that's just good. Thanks!