
You definitely weren't being an idiot (and I hope I wasn't being pedantic). I know I sometimes lack the right vocabulary when talking about other religions. If you didn't grow up with it there's going to be stuff you don't know.

Ah I see, this is a terminology thing. You meant Jews who are conservative in their beliefs, not Conservative Judaism the organization. I could see how the wires might get crossed. If you're interested, Orthodox might be a better term, since people who identify as Conservative Jews, tend to be more flexible

So all the different branches of Orthodox Jews don't think there is a right way to be Jewish? I'm confused as to why you think that's a Conservative thing?

My brain can't even process that story about the dog. I really hope it was just her idea of a sick joke (and that her parents found out and will never leave the dog alone with her ever).

Okay, since everybody was posting photos of Robb Stark on the tube, I'm crushing extra hard on Richard Madden right now. Since I can't bring myself to rewatch any GoT just yet, I've been watching Sirens, and it's so so good. Finding really good stuff from actors I like when they have a relatively small body of work

This seems like something I'd pass over except that my undying love for Daniel Bruhl means I'm obligated to see it. Good to hear positive things.

Frightened Rabbit (I'd stick with the first 2 albums, Midnight Organ Fight in particular) - they're opening for The National currently. The Decemberists, Local Natives, Admiral Fallow, The Dodos, Fanfarlo, Kishi Bashi...

Yes, racist imagery is harmful to people.

Oh I am so sorry that I confused the comments section here for an open forum. Next time I'll remember that it's about your personal musings - questions and discussion not appropriate.

Yeah it's a real buzzkill when people bring up racism and sexism. God I wish people would shut up about injustice and just let it keep happening.

Interesting history but the point of your last statement is what? Because it could imply that the genocide and continued oppression of native people is a-ok because their ancestors possibly also killed people? Not trying to be dickish, just asking what you mean.

Did everyone suddenly get really busy or are comments not working?

Goddamnit stop making me miss Scotland!

Three years at St Andrews and this happens just after I leave. GRRRRRRRRRRRR.

What? Where can I get this hormone? Because gettin' busy with someone has never made me blind to their faults - in fact, just the opposite. Is this because as a liberal college-educated atheist who is iffy on the idea of marriage and kids I'm not a real woman?

But that's more about being in a relationship and being uncomfortable with your SO being physical with other people/wanting more affection from your boyfriend than you're currently getting. Would it really bother you if prior to your having met, your bf had shared a bed with a friend to save money on a hotel room or

At summer camp like 10 years ago 2 of my friends and I ended up snuggling and unintentionally took a nap together. We still talk about how great that nap was! Granted it was 2 girls and a guy (and really really our guy friend was not into either of us) but whenever I see that episode of friends I think of that nap.

The people who are buying this crap prior to 9/11 would have just been referring to the people working in the Towers as "rude, big-city folk"

Age: 21 (I didn't wait that long by choice. My ex, who I'd been with since the summer before college didn't want to have premarital sex.)

As someone who definitely gets really into exercising after a breakup, I think it's less about the sexy revenge body (although of course it feels great when you feel like you look good) and more about doing something that helps me feel strong and powerful. After my first serious breakup I started running on an