
Actually the accent and pronunciation I'm pretty comfortable with. My father is a native Spanish speaker (but we don't talk much and he's not particularly interested in my efforts to learn) so I have a very good accent, and unless the word is particularly tricky pronunciation isn't really a problem. It's mainly

Sorry for second posting but I'm watching Scrubs and it's reminding me how much I adore Christa Miller. I can't believe she's almost 50. She still looks amazing on Cougar Town (yeah, I watch Cougar Town. And I love it!) Whatever she's doing I need to be doing it so that I look as awesome as that in 20 years. I also

Yeah I can't wait! I've never been anywhere in South America before and I'm jazzed. Well, I'm more into club football than international football so I kind of like a whole bunch of national teams because people from my club teams play for a lot of different countries. Spain is the big one, then the U.S., Portugal,

These sound great. Thanks so much!

This isn't for almost another year but I'm going to the World Cup next summer and then traveling around South America. I haven't gone on a vacation since December and I can't go anywhere else on vacation for the next 10 months, but I think it's going to be completely worth it.

Thanks for the suggestions! I can read pretty well on a child's level and I know enough that I can usually get the gist of what someone is saying even if I don't understand it all word for word but my speaking is still pretty abysmal - I like the pet idea though. At least I'd get used to how the words feel.

Cool, I'll give it a try.

Unfortunately I don't actually know anybody at all where I'm living (just moved here a little over a month ago and I don't have a job so I haven't had many chances to meet people). I've signed up for Meetups that are conversational workshops, but they're very sporadic - once or twice a month. It's good for reinforcing

1. Awesome movie! I adore this and What a Girl Wants so much! Sometimes princess fantasies just hit the spot.

Has anybody had luck teaching yourself a language? I really want to work on my Spanish since I'll be spending a good chunk of next summer in South America and I figure if I start working on it now I'll be up to snuff by next June. Problem is I can't afford to take a class and even though I have some podcasts I use for

Yeah, being able to laugh is huge. I've mostly been watching Supernatural which is a pretty depressing show, but the humor that is there really hits the spot for me.

My ongoing, seemingly permanent unemployment has me super depressed. But I have an intermittent editing job that is finally picking back up. It's kind of crazy how immediately better I feel knowing I have some money coming in. Even though it won't be here until next month I no longer feel like I'm doomed to be a

Honestly, I mostly just answered the office phone and took care of the mail. But I did get into cool gigs for free and got to meet all the guys (except Nick). Fabrizio was cool. I tend to think of him as the most friendly, but that might be because I met him before I interned for them and he was very happily drunk at

Completely agree. I'm all about examining the underlying reasons for standards of attraction and widening the scope of what is considered desirable, but as far as expressing a partner preference goes, I'd say wanting someone intelligent isn't much of a sexist sin (your point about intelligence and classism is

And if John Legend said any of that, then yeah, I'd say he was fair game to pick on for it. But all I can tell from this is that he said he prefers to date intelligent women, and his standards are different for a booty call. And isn't that true for all of us who have had those sorts of arrangements? There's a reason

Seriously. I don't get why his comment is upsetting people. I feel the same way - a booty call is more about attraction and fun, so intelligence isn't necessarily a factor. But if I'm going to date someone then yes, I want them to be smart. I'm really not sure why snark is happening.

THE BEST! (To be fair, I had a crush on him too, so I'm biased). I only met him once in the office - he had his daughter with him and was so so cute with her - really attentive. But when he first started out on his own, even though I wasn't their intern anymore they put me on the list for a solo gig he was doing and

I only met him like 3 times, but from what I could tell he's a good guy.

I used to intern for The Strokes' management when Albert was still on drugs. It's great to hear that he's gotten clean and I wish him the best of luck staying that way.

Me neither - I have tattoos. CURSES! I'm doomed to be alone forever, what with this extraordinary man now out of my league.