
Nah, I read an article on Celebitchy about him with a bunch of "I don't get it" comments. Different tastes are what makes life interesting.

Exactly! This part of her comments "You don’t want the Hall boys to only think of you in this sexual way, do you? Neither do we." just screams "we can't be bothered to teach our boys how to behave like decent human beings to girls/women." Like, GREAT you don't want your boys to only think of girls as sex objects? SO

Obviously girls don't choose to grow breasts until they're ready to use them as part of their feminine wiles. Come on now!

Nope. Not just you.

For a really long time I didn't get the Hiddleston thing. I have no idea when I changed my mind but it probably has something to do with the 10,000 posts about him popping up on my Tumblr dash every day. And now I think he's the swooniest.

Something similar happened to me a few weeks ago. I don't think I cut this guy off, I think he was just pissed I wasn't going fast enough (and I was going 20 over the speed limit) but he was flipping me off, so I figured I'd get over a lane to let him pass and he followed me over. So I passed a few other cars to get

She should do anniversary editions with LOTR-style appendices.

I actually thought the film totally botched it. It's a big deal in the book and in movie I'm not even sure they say which twin died.

The twins were always my favorite non-Ron Weasleys, but Bill certainly has his charms. And Domhnall Gleeson is pretty attractive. Personally, I think the Weasleys have suffered enough and shouldn't be subjected to the indignity of fuck, marry, kill at all.

I'm trying to remember where I read it. I just checked Wikipedia and it says George married Angelina and that Angelina went to the Triwizard Ball with Fred, but I'm 110% sure I read an interview with Rowling where she says that Angelina and Fred dated and then later when George and Angelina got married it was supposed

Buzzfeed suggests fucking Fred and marrying George, killing Bill. With the exception of Bill, that is basically what happens - according to J.K. Fred's ex does marry George.

Woah - you're bit behind on your Jezebel reading :-)

I'm not attracted to him. Or to Brad Pitt or to Tom Cruise. Some famous women I don't "get" that men seem really into: Kaley Cuoco, Olivia Munn, Hayden Panetierre.

Full disclosure: I read Atlas at least 10 years ago and I didn't read Divergent/Insurgent that carefully so I'll be honest and say my memory could be totally flawed, but I don't think the parallels hold. What I remember most from Atlas is 1. fuck the poor people who are only poor because they're not smart enough to

Really? Why? I've only read Atlas Shrugged, which (in addition to the terribleness of her worldview) put me off reading any more Rand, but I didn't get that at all when reading Divergent/Insurgent. Just curious what made you feel that way.

I wasn't crazy about these books (Roth's writing style, in the second one especially, got on my nerves) but I like the concept a lot, so I'm still pretty excited for the movie.

That's what I was thinking too. Way more offended that she's professional who's been doing this her whole life and that's how she dances??? It was flat out a terrible performance.

The thing about being an adult living at home - it makes me feel 16 again. As in, my mother completely drives me crazy, criticizing everything I do and making me miserable and I have wild mood swings and I spend a lot of time in my room with the door locked blasting music. So it's perfect that NSYNC is having a

Ok. It's not like I said that everyone who has ever had a relationship with a Scientologist must be one, just that it's less surprising.