
I definitely agree with that last point, and I'm sure that being older and overqualified because you've been in the workforce for so many years sucks every bit as much as me having "too much education and too little work experience." From my perspective it's just that (as far as I know) millenials aren't out there

I guess I feel like it isn't a generational thing but an individual one - I'm not comfortable living at home. If there are people who can make the arrangement work and everyone is happy, then A-OK for them. I don't understand where the entitlement thing comes from in regards to living at home.

LOL, story of my life. No jobs in my field and I've also had a bunch of potentials employers outside my field tell me they're concerned that I'll quit.

Thanks. Congrats on getting something even if it is just part-time. Fingers crossed that you find something full time soon!

Thank you! It's so obnoxious when people who got lucky because they graduated at a time when their skills were in demand act like that makes them better than the rest of us. When I was applying for college nobody - not my mother, not the guidance counselor, not my cousin who works in financial planning - was spouting

Yeah seriously. I just had to move back home, and while I appreciate that I have a mom who let's me do that, it's really not easy. When I find a job most of the money I make will go to paying off my student loans and saving so I can move out - not exactly living the high life. And beyond that, while my mom can be

*sigh* Yeah it's so tiresome when you post something in a comments section and then someone actually tries to engage with your comment. Sorry, won't do that again.

I don't think tipping has much to do with customer service in European restaurants. I lived in Europe for 3 years and most customer service there is meh to terrible. Didn't matter if it was a restaurant or a bank or a department store. They're not overly friendly/overly familiar the way we are in the States.

I think all of that is great, but I still don't understand why you can't tip more than the required 18%

I'm confused by this. I've eaten at places where the gratuity was included, but never someplace where you couldn't choose to add more. Why the hell would you discourage people from leaving a more generous tip?

That's obviously true, but it also isn't the point. I'm sure we could compile a list of the 100 greatest thinkers or innovators (or film-makers, writers, musicians, or most important whoevers in which ever field) that was either much more equal or made up exclusively of women. The point is that Wired is a widely read,

I wouldn't be surprised if it made less than the first one, but I think it will still be a hit. There are a lot of people who are going to see it no matter what.

I really like Dove products but their men's line - eugh! When I go visit my dad, I use my step brother's bathroom and he uses Dove's men body wash, and it smells like Axe or whatever other horrible stinking "get this and the women will start cat fighting to let you fuck them" body spray. It's stupid that soap has to

Wait, why is Dominic Monaghan a noted asswipe? All I know about him besides hobbits and Lost is that he likes animals and he called out Matthew Fox for being a dick. Both things I consider in the pro column. Is it just this text or is there previous bad behavior?

Weeeeeell, it's not like Mischa's participation is really necessary.

True story: I know someone who's a conservative who used to complain constantly about people "stealing her money" by defrauding government programs. When she was on unemployment last year she continued to claim when she shouldn't have (out of the country on vacation, and then for a week or so after she found a new job

Seriously. What is that about? I was FWB with a guy who became convinced I was in love with him because a "friend" of mine was clearly trying to get with him and I thought that was rude. Didn't matter how many times I said I was fine with keeping things casual or sleeping with other people (in fact I was hooking up

OMG why are you apologizing? You're my new favorite person!

Haha, no, it's not. They didn't sleep together or anything, just (in her words) "snogged a bit." She said he was a very good kisser and quite the gentleman/lovely sweet guy.

LOVE Lamb! And I just finished Sacre Bleu, which wasn't as funny but still very enjoyable.