
I'm so close to being finished with my room redecoration/organization project. It's partly wonderful to be almost done, and partly terrible because the reason I'm not actually finished is that there's no space left for the last remaining items without a specific place. It's driving me crazy! But I'm determined to find

If you want to waste it well watch his hour long interviews with Nerd HQ and with NY TimesTalk in Madrid :-) Happy hunting!

He is great as Loki but for my money, nothing beats Shakespearian Hiddles. When he talks about Shakespeare he just obviously loves it so much. Plus he's very well educated and speaks a bunch of languages. It's so hot.

I've finally started to see the value in pursuing something I'm good at rather than something I'm passionate about. I just want to have a job where I'm satisfied that I'm contributing something, and leave the passion for nights and weekends. Unfortunately, I spent so many years in school for my passions, I now can't

I don't even think I can watch this because I'm sure it will ruin my life forever. (And obviously I'm going to give in a watch it). Sigh. I can't resist you Hiddles!

Some people are much better company from a distance!

Good God yes. All men should aspire to be more like Becks.

I hope I didn't go on vacation with your 16 year old. Otherwise we did some very inappropriate drinking :-)

I've actually considered the awfulness before. It's hard when you've been friends with someone for a while and their negative traits seem to start overshadowing the good ones. We've had the next trip planned for like a year, and I still really want to go, just under better circumstances. Maybe I can work up the

It's odd because we've taken vacations together before and it used to be okay. Maybe because that was before smart phones became so common. The next trip is supposed to include other people - right now I'm hoping everyone stays committed because I really want to go, I just don't want it to be just me and this one

Yeah, I just don't understand going on vacation and then complaining about the expense!

Interesting how everyone else who has responded to me with a difference of opinion has been perfectly civil about it. I happen to think that some teens are smart and responsible enough to handle having sex and that if the parents are ok with it then that's their business. Sorry I'm not an uptight bitch who feels like

I didn't have sex until college, but lots of my high school friends did and none of them have been damaged by it. In fact, one of them is now married to the guy she started dating when she was 15. I'm not saying that the second your kid starts dating that you should offer to allow them to have sleepovers. But I don't

I don't think it always has to be that way. I'm not saying I would let my 13 or 14 year old have boy-girl sleepovers. But my 17 or 18 year old? I wouldn't immediately rule it out. I think it depends on the kids and the parents in question. All I'm saying is that I think it's ok to consider the option.

Just got back from a short vacation with a friend who was really rude the whole time. We were late going everywhere because of how long she took to get ready, even when we’d agreed hours in advance about what time we had to leave to get places. And she spent the majority of the time on Twitter and Facebook. After we’d

No, I think that it's accepting a reality and trying to create a safe environment for your kid to do something they're going to do anyway, and giving them the opportunity be honest with you. I think you could have a longer conversation with the basic premise being "I would prefer if you waited until you're older but I

I'm pretty surprised that the overwhelming majority of the reactions to this seem to be that it's weird or bad parenting. While I'm sure there are negligent parents letting their kids do whatever they want, I don't see the problem if an involved conscientious parent thinks it's ok for a bf or gf to sleep over. Yeah, a

How is this different from the argument that we should have abstinence only education? Anything that isn't flat out discouraging it is somehow condoning it?

Funny, I thought being an adult meant the ability to have potentially complicated conversations with the people in your life and making decisions based on the situation instead of on knee jerk reactions. I wouldn't agree with a parent ignoring their kids and letting them do whatever they want, but a parent who is

I've never been with someone whose armpit I thought was as awesome as you think your husband's is, but there have been guys I certainly didn't mind having my nose in the area. I imagine if I find someone whose armpit smell I totally adore it might be an indication that he's The One.