
That was really nice of you. Thanks for the suggestion!

Ugh - that's the worst. I've been in that position a lot and haven't found anything yet. But if it helps, a friend of mine had the same thing - she kept making it to last round interviews and being told she was one of 2 or 3 people being considered - and she finally got a job a few months back and it's perfect for her

In my late 20s and haven't been in a serious relationship since college. I was in a bad relationship for 3 years, where I really let my bf walk all over me and make me feel like crap. Since we broke up I've enjoyed the hell out of finding out who I am and what I want, but I'm still afraid I'd let a new guy treat me

I'm not a watcher of Doctor Who but I love Peter Capaldi and I wish him lots of luck. Now if only I would stop hearing all these dickish things coming out of Moffat's mouth.

Any Miami based Jezzies out there? I'm heading down for a few days this week and the friend I'll be with keeps kosher. I'd like to get out for at least one nice dinner. Any suggestions for good kosher/vegetarian/vegan restaurants?

Have you investigated to find out if there are independent movie theaters near you? I know people in New York (of all places!) who have complained that there are no good movies to go see. Had no earthly idea that Film Forum and IFC and Anthology and Film Society of Lincoln Center and Museum of the Image existed.

I lived in the UK for about 3 years. When I moved over I brought a ton of stuff. When I moved back, I gave away so much of it, because schlepping things sucks - and it was still a giant pain in the ass. Bring less than you think you need. Because 1. you can get by on less than you think and 2. you're probably going to

I had terrible luck after undergrad - I worked for a year at a restaurant and then a year as a nanny and when the mom got pregnant again they decided to hire a professional baby nurse. Then I was unemployed for a year, but I'd already decided to go to grad school because I thought it would increase my chances of

Yep! I mean, I do like kids and would want to adopt if I was in a stable long term relationship and could afford to do so, but as someone who has worked with kids a lot I get how exhausting and often annoying they can be I'm not currently interested in spending much time around them and I never ever want to be

Yeah. I mean the reasoning behind this is terrible and obviously some women don't need to take period days off, but the first 2 days of mine I'm usually in terrible pain and without getting too graphic, because it's so heavy those days, it can be difficult to get a handle on what's going on down there. So I've got

Ahhhhhhh! They like tiny brunettes. That makes so much more sense! I was like, "I could see how Adam Brody is slender but Jared Padalecki is very tall and muscular."

Seth Cohen, you will always be one of my very favorite TV boyfriends. Not quite Pacey, but still up there.

I'm 120% on board with these choices, but isn't Jared Padalecki like 6' 3"?

That's like a season and a half. And the first season was legitimately good, so that's only half a season of bad teen soap you have to worry about.

I'm Jewish and most of my formative sexual experiences were with circumcised guys. Now that I'm older and have traveled a lot and lived in Europe for a while I've probably been with more uncut men than cut. With the exception that I, or the guy, might have to push the skin back - never noticed much difference.

All the people saying if you can't afford a huge wedding, don't throw one - you could just as easily say, if you're going to whine about giving a gift, don't attend the wedding. Which is not my personal philosophy, and I do think weddings are a ridiculous expense that should be brought under control, but there are a

I think that's an awesome idea, but some people on other threads for this article are complaining about that trend too. Basically, people who don't want to spend money, don't want to spend money, no matter how thoughtful a gesture it might be.

OMG you're right!!! HORRORS!

I turn 30 next month and it's not my looks I worry about (although as someone who has always struggled with my weight I do regret that I wasn't as attractive as I could have been while I was in my teens and 20s). I worry way more about not being anywhere near where I'd like to be at this stage in my life. But today,

I've always been a morning person. When I was younger I was always the first kid to fall asleep at sleepovers and of course when I got older and would be super tired at parties and felt shamed. But I've finally embraced it. I love being awake earlier than anybody else, having some along time, taking my time to get