
She's right there behind Wayne Rooney's hair plugs. And she looks lovely.

Book recommendations please. I just started watching Being Human and it's making me want to read paranormal-ish stuff. I really hate the series True Blood is based on, couldn't get through A Discovery of Witches and I'm trying to steer away from YA at the moment. I liked The Last Werewolf and Swamplandia, so if

Well, I really love Parks and Rec and Happy Endings and Modern Family, which last time I checked all have blonde actresses, and Lisa Kudrow is one of my favorite actresses - so something tells me that my problem is not my unexamined sexism regarding blonde women who work in comedy. But thank you for your ill informed

I'll join you in denial-ville. I don't even know why it bugs me. Well - it bugs me because I don't like her, but I've never been able to figure out why I don't like her. Anyway, it' annoying.

According to Celebitchy he and Gina broke up a few months ago but kept it hushed up during the Man of Steel press tour. Were they engaged? Because he was engaged to a previous girlfriend also.

That line was in response to a specific text conversation where a bride threw a hissy at a guest for not giving them a cash gift. I don't think it was meant to apply at everybody.

These people obviously threw a party they couldn't afford because they wanted a big lavish thing. Who's to say they didn't also invite people who were acquaintances because they felt like doing it up bigger? People invite the whole office, or that college friend they haven't spoken to 5 years. I've so far only gone to

Well this is certainly putting a bright spin on the fact that I have to leave NC and move back in with my mom. Then again, I have to move to Florida, so... six in one, really.

Well, that was an unexpectedly condescending response to one half serious sentence.

Frankly, these make me want to give up.

You're on to something there. I think it's useful to see celebrities without makeup. But I think the way these tabloids do it is horrible. Its so LOOK AT THESE HORRIBLE UGLY HAGS! Instead of saying, let's see what these women, who we hold up as models of beauty look like without makeup and airbrushing, so that you,

I can't believe they were stupid enough to think they could beat a team of professional players, just because those players happened to be women. Oh wait, yes, yes I can. And it's obvious none of them knew what the hell was going on, otherwise they'd have known that if a group of Spaniards step onto a football pitch,

I know this isn't exactly The Bachelor, but apparently the couple from Outback Jack are still together and have a bunch of kids. Lesson: go for the guys with the hot accents!

I was never that person! Even in my early 20s when I was bumming around the Lower East Side and interning in the music industry and hanging out with people whose nights started at midnight. I could barely muster the energy for that more than once a week.

I used to love it, and then one day I just thought to myself "upward mobility porn." Plus it's basically the same stories over and over again. Kennedy something, Old Hollywood something, Old NY something, soapy scandal disguised to look highbrow.

Bitch is. Their website is pretty good too, if you just care about content and not about getting an actual print copy into your hands. Although my personal fave Jane replacement has to be Bust.

She owns more books than the public library. She spends her weekends screaming at football teams through the TV.

Seems weird to me too. He was still with Gina Carano, at least publicly. It's definitely a PR screw up to announce a breakup and a new relationship at the same time.

One of the biggest reasons I didn't finish my PhD was because of the cost. I was told a bunch of times that a PhD might give me a leg up for the jobs I'm interested in but that it wasn't necessary. Eventually it just started to feel like I was burning money so I quit. Of course I'm still in an insane amount of debt

This is awesome! And I love that just last week I got to the episode that made this relevant :-)